Outdoor CFL to Outdoor?

Apr 22, 2015
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Hey fellow growers, I'm a bit of a noobie wanting to know if it's okay to use a CFL light to get seedlings up to a certain height before they go outdoors, figured I'd be able to give them 20 hours of light with 4 darkness for the first few weeks then put them outdoors? Been reading a few different threads but found nothing accurate enough for clarify it's okay.

I wouldn't be able to keep them indoors during flowering for obvious reasons, family come over regular and don't want them smelling that dank, ya' know?

But yeah, if any of you have experience with using lights indoors before putting them oudoors, and willing to share some info with me, that would be sweet.

Thanks in advance fellas.:toke:
Go right ahead man. Lots of outdoor growers like to give their girls a nice little head start inside before they go out into the world. Just make sure to harden them off a bit first by giving them a little outside time during the day, and bringing them in at night before slamming them into full outdoor mode.
Hey fellow growers, I'm a bit of a noobie wanting to know if it's okay to use a CFL light to get seedlings up to a certain height before they go outdoors, figured I'd be able to give them 20 hours of light with 4 darkness for the first few weeks then put them outdoors? Been reading a few different threads but found nothing accurate enough for clarify it's okay.

I wouldn't be able to keep them indoors during flowering for obvious reasons, family come over regular and don't want them smelling that dank, ya' know?

But yeah, if any of you have experience with using lights indoors before putting them oudoors, and willing to share some info with me, that would be sweet.

Thanks in advance fellas.:toke:
Hi r88, I'm doing the same with a 300w dual spec cfl. I'm starting mines under the bulb for 2-3 weeks. In the 3rd week depending on leaf and root development I'll put them out in my garden for 4 hours the first day, increasing their time outside by 4 hours each day until there out the full 24 hrs. Then they'll be planted out at the plot.
All the best with your grow buddy, wishing you a bountiful harvest mate
I'd agree - I have grown all natural windowsill for last few years before going outdoors - but seeing the results of using lighting to help them out has me convinced I'm going electric to start my babies off next year. This year was very dull in May and I have spindly plants that are in danger of getting blown over in the outdoors now.
My current grow was started indoors for about 3 weeks before they went outside. The link is in my siggy if you won't to take a look ... :peace: