Thank you for your feedback. First of all if i understood correctly you check the water's ph as well as the soil's ph?? Should i check the water's ph every time i add nutes to it?? Up to now i was just using regular tap water and was throwing nutes in it according to a schedule i found on this forum, and adjusting it accordingly. Moreover light scortch means that my lights burned the leaf?? If it does how can i prevent it. My light is pretty far from the plant itself, it is not possible for it to have touched it.
Finally WisdomKarp this was my original idea and began building it with an old pc case i had lying around but the light leakage was very much so it would seem suspicious as well as having a pc case next to my new pc with tape all around it.
If it could be done it would be the best solution but unfortunately it couldn't. 
Finally WisdomKarp this was my original idea and began building it with an old pc case i had lying around but the light leakage was very much so it would seem suspicious as well as having a pc case next to my new pc with tape all around it.