Mephisto Genetics CDLC, 4AM, SL/3BOG & a SL oddity

I think I can pull 3X3 in flower, and use the outside area (1foot down right side, 1 foot across the back) for vegging the next least that's the plan @ this point! But it's only 200w of cobs, then the fan, and extraction, totaling 350. Plan is to triple my lighting at some point thru the year. 600 watts of cobs would crush the whole tent.
Gotcha bro! I too am running a 3x3, with 6 cobs running at 250w. Feel like that's plenty for that space. You'll probably need to triple your space as well.
Day 44, have been dealing with what looks like deficiencies, but, an now thinking that want I'm dealing with is of my own creation... now the guys @ NFTG say you can feed feed feed, and, with being new to fabric pots, I've not been watering to much of a runoff... what I've done is skyrocketed the ppms in the soil. (On going in 6.5, slurry @ 6.5, run off @6.6) ppm...2000. We'll do a couple water phed and a teaspoon of magnesium sulfide... under the cobs, I see a lot more indicators than when I had the girls in the tub earlier under normal lighting, so I think they'll be ok. Will back off the feed, and split it up some. CDLC us frosting, and the new phones cameras are well... WOW!

Below, 4 AM


New girls are up, I'll run a feed feed water and see how a full run goes.

Peace all and green gardens!
Wow, nice pics! I might be having the same problem, never occured to me that lack of runoff could skyrocket the ppm's. Glad I gave em no feed last time. Your Plant looks amazing, she looks to be producing nicely.
Wow, nice pics! I might be having the same problem, never occured to me that lack of runoff could skyrocket the ppm's. Glad I gave em no feed last time. Your Plant looks amazing, she looks to be producing nicely.
Yeah, there's a few leaves that give me the shivers..
Hopefully I'm on the right track... if this ain't it, I've got deffeciancies... I don't see that, with the amount of nutes going in, but maybe a lockout due to an over feed.... too much new stuff... oh well, gotta start somewhere! And WOW the frost coming on! thanks for watchin!
Sweet pics @Arthur This the new phone Note 8? I'm waiting to check out the Note 9 so I can upgrade.
It is, I've been running on a note 4 since they came out. Huge difference! Loved my note 2, the 4, and now the 8... I see rumors that the 10 will have a folding screen...That might be a little much...