Mephisto Genetics CDLC, 4AM, SL/3BOG & a SL oddity

Day 50 pt. 2...

Four Assed Monkey is up next, tip burn, and yellowing margins.... like fingernails on a chalkboard... she is frosting nicely...View attachment 861289 View attachment 861290 View attachment 861291 View attachment 861292 View attachment 861293 View attachment 861294 View attachment 861295

And a couple more of Poly the Sour Livers. Good structure, nice stacking. Can't really call her a freak anymore...I've already apologized.View attachment 861296 View attachment 861297 View attachment 861298 View attachment 861299 View attachment 861300 View attachment 861301 View attachment 861302 View attachment 861303
All in all, knowing the issues I'm running up on, am still a firm believer in the process.

1) see issue and panic
2)burn a bowl
3)breath and contemplate the issue
5)burn another bowl
6)do what you can to correct and make plans for future grows.
7)turn it over to mother canna she always bestows blessings on those that persevere.

Peace all and full green gardens!
I like this process lol I need to make a checklist
Dam I've missed a few post there looking killer if I had to pick I could not!!!! But the 4ass Monkey just looks Bad ass to me ✌️
Still fighting with the ppm, but they're hanging on! The 4 am is sure alot closer to filling up! Getting close to the time I have trouble not taking samples!
Frustrated, tap water comes out 330 ppm, finally broke down and went downtown and bought 15 gallons of filtered water... came home tested... 275 ppm. Holy f!@$! Grabbed a bottle of crystal gyser water, tested... just over 100 ppm... next best place I could purchase water is 70 miles round going to have to back off everything minus calcium and mag, and try and run it out... maybe the run off ppm will drop enough to feed them a couple times before harvest... disappointing. Never had this issue... My last place, great water at about 50 ppm.
Frustrated, tap water comes out 330 ppm, finally broke down and went downtown and bought 15 gallons of filtered water... came home tested... 275 ppm. Holy f!@$! Grabbed a bottle of crystal gyser water, tested... just over 100 ppm... next best place I could purchase water is 70 miles round going to have to back off everything minus calcium and mag, and try and run it out... maybe the run off ppm will drop enough to feed them a couple times before harvest... disappointing. Never had this issue... My last place, great water at about 50 ppm.
Yeah I have same problem with my tap water, 280 ppm and ph at 8.5-9.0. My plants looked awful at the end of every grow with it. Installed a RO filter and now I have 45 ppm at ph 6.5. Just takes a long time to collect a few gallons. But my plants stay healthier a lot longer now.
Yeah I have same problem with my tap water, 280 ppm and ph at 8.5-9.0. My plants looked awful at the end of every grow with it. Installed a RO filter and now I have 45 ppm at ph 6.5. Just takes a long time to collect a few gallons. But my plants stay healthier a lot longer now.
Thanks, figured that was the way to go, appreciate you sharing your history, makes me feel a little better! I've gone thru more ph down this grow than I've used over years of growing... I've gone thru a half bottle of GH in 6 weeks! Sounds like I'm saving up for a RO system...hopefully the girls won't hate me too much...
Why not distilled water ?
Distilled would be fine, but still require a equipment purchase, can only buy small amounts local. If I go with an ro filter, itll be used outdoor as well, i go thru alot (compared to the 10 gallons a week indoor) of water outdoors, to much to be buying distilled.