Casual seed grow -- environment impact on quality...?

I need a little reality check... I think I've read that since CS is sold to be taken orally for some claimed health benefit, and therefore in small doses it is at least somewhat safe to be "eaten". This Double Grape only had the lower two branches sprayed and they were subsequently cut off, I would not smoke any of the plant, but I'm wondering if there is any other way to use it or if I should just throw it out at this point -- can I make edibles from a plant that I sprayed? I know I've read a discussion on this somewhere but I don't remember if there was a conclusive answer.

Thanks --
can I make edibles from a plant that I sprayed? I know I've read a discussion on this somewhere but I don't remember if there was a conclusive answer.
I don’t think you can have a definitive answer until a lot more testing is done. Especially since you have no idea without it how much could be concentrated in the oil you make for the edibles. My uninformed opinion, if using for non-patients, just recreational, then go for it. If treating someone, I don’t think I would take the risk, small as it may be. Meds should be as clean as possible.
I don’t think you can have a definitive answer until a lot more testing is done. Especially since you have no idea without it how much could be concentrated in the oil you make for the edibles. My uninformed opinion, if using for non-patients, just recreational, then go for it. If treating someone, I don’t think I would take the risk, small as it may be. Meds should be as clean as possible.
Very good answer, thank you for taking the time. I took a step back, realized we have more cannabis on hand than we need, and that the only reason I wanted to finish it is that I've been growing this plant for around 10 weeks, and while there are still 3 or 4 to go, I wanted to see it through to the end. I'm going to be more practical and less sentimental and just remove it. Time to start another round, lessons learned.