Outdoor Captcold's Mephisto Outdoor Grow - 2018

Jan 3, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Early Miss, Thai
Following up on a fun 2017 season, I've popped some Mephisto strains to see what we can do in 5 gal soil grow outdoors this year. So far, 2 Livers and Cheese & 2 AvT are above the soil and wanting more.

I'll be updating this one weekly. Given the speed I've seen these done at, I should be able to get a couple of harvests done by fall.
Awesome my western friend!! Can't wait to see how you do!! Going for some monster think bigs are ya!! Go get 'em bud!! Cant wait to see how mephistos do outside!! I did want to give an AVT a try outside sometime!! Planning to rock the 5 gallon buckets for the mephistos?
Awesome my western friend!! Can't wait to see how you do!! Going for some monster think bigs are ya!! Go get 'em bud!! Cant wait to see how mephistos do outside!! I did want to give an AVT a try outside sometime!! Planning to rock the 5 gallon buckets for the mephistos?
5 gals the minute the little ones are big enough :)

Starting indoors early, they *should* be out for good around May long. But, I did have my starters out in early May last year, at least for the daily sun if it was warm enough.

This is a really early start for me this year, as I'm germinating a few hundred pepper plants as well. I suspect they'll be pretty well along when they hit the big bulb under the sky :) :)
So, you will grow in pots?
How much sun you'll get? How will you feed them?
Full sun at 50 lat, lots to go around. 5 gal pickle pails. I'm sparing with nutes, I've found a good soil mix will take them front to back.

I've used some adds selectively, but can't say I've found a real difference in yield or quality tbh. Since I've got 2 of each, might be a good idea to test this year in a side by side.
great to see a northern neighbour again :cheers:

Trust winter treated you well, and that the upcoming season will be good to you
winter still is a blowing and snowing bitch! But, she's just about thru. Yesterday at the water hole