Indoor cant seem to fix this problem! help!

Thanks everyone. My only problem so far seems to be my watering problem. I don't want to overwater them but I don't want them to dry either. I'll probably give them a light watering today. Let them dry out. THEN water them until runoff. I watered 3/4 yesterday and left one dry to see what happens. The ones I watered and the dry one both look ok so I'm not sure exactly where my problem is..also since my plants are only on day 19 I don't think I have to much build up but I could be wrong ...does watering until runoff prevent build up?

As far as I know, every time you do water you want some runoff to do a "mini flush" and replace most of the ions in soil and flush waste. You only want to water when top 1 to 2 inches are dry about every 3 to 4 days and water until runoff. I would flush every 2 to 3 weeks but that's just me. Plenty have had success just doing one or two flushes.
Dont worry about over watering as long as you give them a good water then dont feed for at least 2-3 days mabe more sonn as the top soil starts drying thats when to water again mate :peace: Si