Indoor cant seem to fix this problem! help!


Jul 27, 2012
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To make it simple.
here u can see a little drooping.
. Here u can see they straightened up. This was today.
. Just a few hours ago I noticed they were drooping again. So since today's the 23rd and the last time I watered was the 21st I figured it was actually UNDERwatering. So I watered them a small amount. ( not even one average sized bottled water between 3 plants). I left one dry just in case. As u can see they are both droopy even though one has been watered again and the other was left can I fix this!!:help:
Need a little more info. What size pots are you using and how much water are you actually using per plant? Plants raise and lower thier leaves throughout the day. Can't hold your arms up 18 hours a day can ya!
Need a little more info. What size pots are you using and how much water are you actually using per plant? Plants raise and lower thier leaves throughout the day. Can't hold your arms up 18 hours a day can ya!

The square pots are 3 gallon and the round pot is a 5 gallon. Im not sure exactly how much water because I just water until the soil is moist. I'll be sure to start keeping track. My soil diesel which is much smaller has leaves that actually point up all day. One of my plants only droops slightly. Out of four plants 3 are drooping but some more than others..
Being in 3 gallon and 5 gallon pots i don't think your givin them enuf water if your only splitting one average size water bottle(16 0z.?) between the 3-4 of them. I grew my last round in 3 gallon smartpots and each plant got 1 liter of water-which gave me some runoff to test. With my soil and cab temps i was originally watering every 3-4 days and towards the end it was every 2 days as gthey were suckin the pots dry.I think your givin them just enuf to wet the top layer of soil in your pots and the bottom of the pot is probably dry and when the plants are dry they droop. Plants will usually also droop after a heavy watering for 12 hours or so then perk back up-i don't think thats your issue as 16-20 oz. divided by 4 plants ain't cuttin it. I know its confusin between to much/not enuf you'll learn by watchin your plants and soil when and how much to water. When i first started i remember someone tellin me "listen to your plants" and they'll tell you what they want-and bro that was the truth.
Being in 3 gallon and 5 gallon pots i don't think your givin them enuf water if your only splitting one average size water bottle(16 0z.?) between the 3-4 of them. I grew my last round in 3 gallon smartpots and each plant got 1 liter of water-which gave me some runoff to test. With my soil and cab temps i was originally watering every 3-4 days and towards the end it was every 2 days as gthey were suckin the pots dry.I think your givin them just enuf to wet the top layer of soil in your pots and the bottom of the pot is probably dry and when the plants are dry they droop. Plants will usually also droop after a heavy watering for 12 hours or so then perk back up-i don't think thats your issue as 16-20 oz. divided by 4 plants ain't cuttin it. I know its confusin between to much/not enuf you'll learn by watchin your plants and soil when and how much to water. When i first started i remember someone tellin me "listen to your plants" and they'll tell you what they want-and bro that was the truth.
. Yea I've read a lot about overwatering and root rot so I think I've been letting them get to thirsty.
Just water them enuf to get some runoff to test and then let them go 3-4 days before you check to see if they need water. Lift the pots to see if they are light or stick your finger down in the soil up to your knuckle-if its dry-water. You'll get it,just takes practice. These plants are pretty tough-don't stress,just let'em grow.
Yh i agree with fullauto you best water them to get a little run off that way you know they have had enougth pure it slowley if the soil is dry as it will just run down the edges.:peace: si
Plants naturally droop during later day hours and dawn. They don't normally get 100% sunlight all day. However, your humidity may be too low resulting in a high transpiration rate- too much water is being sucked out of leaves to equalize with air moisture content. Magnesium is a crucial element in regulating stomata (sweat pores) under leaves and should be at least 60 ppm. When was the last time you flushed? (At least 2 times volume of container). Excessive salts may be building up the first warning sign is difficulty taking up water. Some people don't understand that plants also produce waste and in nature this is washed down into the water table naturally. In a small container these waste products build up and become toxic to the roots. You may want to consider using silica about 50 ppm. Silica enhances plant rigidness, cell wall thickness, yield, nutrient uptake, drought resistance, pathogen resistance, salt toxicity resistance, and light uptake (chloropyhll efficiency increases)
Thanks everyone. My only problem so far seems to be my watering problem. I don't want to overwater them but I don't want them to dry either. I'll probably give them a light watering today. Let them dry out. THEN water them until runoff. I watered 3/4 yesterday and left one dry to see what happens. The ones I watered and the dry one both look ok so I'm not sure exactly where my problem is..also since my plants are only on day 19 I don't think I have to much build up but I could be wrong ...does watering until runoff prevent build up?