Cant get yellowing to go away???

Apr 16, 2022
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AK 47 auto outside in soil.
Ran 7 gallons plain RO through it about 2 weeks ago. Fed PHd water only for couple waterings then gave half strength food. Megacrop and bud Explosion and calmag. Fed because of the yellowing of leaves thinking it wanted somthing after flushing the dirt of all old nutes. Was hoping for a quick opinion on leaves and color.
Also are you ph ing your water? That could also be the cause if you aren’t aim for 6.5
Just looks like a hungry plant, looking a little pale. Up your feed to maybe 2/3 strength.

I would stop adding cal mag, if I remember rightly megacrop has it already mixed in. Plus your in soil and I'm guessing out side and not under LED's. You shouldn't need it.

Do you use any microbe products like powdered compost teas?
Just looks like a hungry plant, looking a little pale. Up your feed to maybe 2/3 strength.

I would stop adding cal mag, if I remember rightly megacrop has it already mixed in. Plus your in soil and I'm guessing out side and not under LED's. You shouldn't need it.

Do you use any microbe products like powdered compost teas?
Yes I use great white. Rootwise has caught my eye recently but haven't tried. Funny you mention that it looks like a hungry plant. I am literally staring at it right now and that thought just crossed my mind.. and yes megacrop has calcium and magnesium in it already.. plus I'm using Montana Grow silicon. Thanks for the advice. It's so close and I really really want to finish this one strong. My first was horrible and under an Oz. Total yeild
Yes I use great white. Rootwise has caught my eye recently but haven't tried. Funny you mention that it looks like a hungry plant. I am literally staring at it right now and that thought just crossed my mind.. and yes megacrop has calcium and magnesium in it already.. plus I'm using Montana Grow silicon. Thanks for the advice. It's so close and I really really want to finish this one strong. My first was horrible and under an Oz. Total yeild

Your looking good, up that feed a little and carry on with what you'd doing, you should do well. Just make sure your not over watering, wait until you can pick up that pot with ease before watering.

Can't recommend Recharge enough as a microbiological inoculant. Work really well in a dripper feed system.
If your in the UK/EU, TNC nutrients do a great range of microbe products, I usecthem the most... cheaper than Great White