Hey Bailey! Then updates will come continously, I did start the air-pump yesterday, and have started to bottom feed in the tray, but not with the autosystem yet...... if it works out with coco, I will switch and never look back at dirt again.
Day 47 1.5ml per ltr AN sensi coco bloom a+b,1.5ml per ltr density cal/mag,0.5ml per ltr density power boost pro
well i think the stretch is just about over and she is a monster



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Hey Bailey! Then updates will come continously, I did start the air-pump yesterday, and have started to bottom feed in the tray, but not with the autosystem yet...... if it works out with coco, I will switch and never look back at dirt again.
Iv been considering switching to the autopot when you get them dialed in they produce monsters even better than dwc as you have the taste from coco/soil growing but the vigour from hydro im excited to se what you can achieve.
Is this ure first grow with this method
Iv been considering switching to the autopot when you get them dialed in they produce monsters even better than dwc as you have the taste from coco/soil growing but the vigour from hydro im excited to se what you can achieve.
Is this ure first grow with this method

I acsually bought a 35×15 liter autopot system with airdomes a year ago.... i gave it a try but i think i putted to much claypebbles in the mix and i didnt water enough so the roots where no good. So after day 20 or so they where f-up'ed. So that was my only try... and i felt so dissapointed, since then i havent even looked at the stufffs. But now, i gonna suceed for sure.
I just need to ensure that the girl has plenty of water with oxygen in it and just up the base nutes little at a time.
I think ive got it, have done some reading and when i dont suceed first time, i always look things up and get back up on that horse, yeeehaaaa.
I acsually bought a 35×15 liter autopot system with airdomes a year ago.... i gave it a try but i think i putted to much claypebbles in the mix and i didnt water enough so the roots where no good. So after day 20 or so they where f-up'ed. So that was my only try... and i felt so dissapointed, since then i havent even looked at the stufffs. But now, i gonna suceed for sure.
I just need to ensure that the girl has plenty of water with oxygen in it and just up the base nutes little at a time.
I think ive got it, have done some reading and when i dont suceed first time, i always look things up and get back up on that horse, yeeehaaaa.
If at first n all that . Thats a winners attitude bro . Yeah iv seen alot of people make the mistake of pebbles so when i get mine im only goi g to use 1 layer as iv jeard to many effects the wicking process
Here is a day 17 update.... she's doing real good.... I don't think I ever have had a girl at this size at day 17....
It has to be the coco and airdome..... ( edit: it has to be the genetics )

Here is the one in coco:


Here is the biggest in soil:


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Here is a day 17 update.... she's doing real good.... I don't think I ever have had a girl at this size at day 17....
It has to be the coco and airdome..... ( edit: it has to be the genetics )

Here is the one in coco:

View attachment 768864

Here is the biggest in soil:

View attachment 768866

Looking great bro keep up the good work n ull be a happy man come harvest day
Thanks. Yeah she's nice :)
I will probably take some advice of the coco guys as they know what they are doing. Extra Magnesium was important, so I did a bit of digging and found a bottle in the garage. So now I think I have all that she needs to become BIG and healthy.
Thanks. Yeah she's nice :)
I will probably take some advice of the coco guys as they know what they are doing. Extra Magnesium was important, so I did a bit of digging and found a bottle in the garage. So now I think I have all that she needs to become BIG and healthy.
Ill tag @tripaholic88 for you he has his coco game nailed anything i learned was from him