In Dog Beers I've Only Had One
Fudge packing. Hahaha. You guys take a serious subject and make it smutty and dirty. I know there are butt rocket molds but I'm not sure how serious of a hobby this is going to become. I have an old plastic cutting board and it takes no effort to clamp and drill a hole, and it's a great way to reduce my stock of older infused coconut oil as we are on the back door of a new summer harvest and the old weed must go. What a thing to complain about too much weed. So now you guys have another tool in the tool box of mmj use and abuse. If I make my mold I'll be back with pictures.
Twas just a feeble attempt at bringing a little bit of levity to a shitty topic as it were....

Keep us updated on your recipe and rocket forming success.... I know a couple of people who benifit from sticking their meds where the sun dont shine.