Cannabis infused suppositories (butt rockets)

Fudge packing. Hahaha. You guys take a serious subject and make it smutty and dirty. I know there are butt rocket molds but I'm not sure how serious of a hobby this is going to become. I have an old plastic cutting board and it takes no effort to clamp and drill a hole, and it's a great way to reduce my stock of older infused coconut oil as we are on the back door of a new summer harvest and the old weed must go. What a thing to complain about too much weed. So now you guys have another tool in the tool box of mmj use and abuse. If I make my mold I'll be back with pictures.

Twas just a feeble attempt at bringing a little bit of levity to a shitty topic as it were....

Keep us updated on your recipe and rocket forming success.... I know a couple of people who benifit from sticking their meds where the sun dont shine.

Ok yous guys are in luck after carefully consideration I'm going to treat you to a small vidio of all aspects of sepository use. It took me a while to think of how I could film this operation with out my wife or sons help as being the camera person. I found my selfie stick and think I can do an adquite job of making a riviting and informative film. I'll keep you abreast as developments happen. Maybe I should a live stream that would give a much more accurate blow by blow description of the process. Anyone have any thoughts.
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I infused old bud and hash oil into coconut oil (lecithin added) then poured it into the perfect mould. I found an ice-tray that makes rod shaped ice for water bottles. Froze them and cut them in half, wrapped in wax paper and kept in the freezer.

They melt pretty fast so you have to make quick work of it, if you know what I mean.

They did help, but I decided that the minor benefit was not equal to the effort all in all, I wondered if my potion was too weak, but I thought I made it stronger than my usual salve.
A guy at the collective said that coco-butter works best but I am targeting joints and neurons rather than internal organs, so on to the next experiment.

Don't Bogart that but rocket my friend. I must have had fairly strong stuff cause I got a nice relaxed warm feeling when I did it then I smoked and got even nicer. Melty yes . That's why I want to put a jacket of coco butter on the outside.
Perfectly acceptable method of Delivery...:headbang:...from a med point of view.

The way I heard it inside the rectum is similar to mucus similar to sub lingual delivery.

A Lot of our sickies have a malabsorbtion problem...and I prefer absorbtion methods that by pass the Gut..

Let us know how it are the first one I have seen give us a tutorial/review....Cheers..:toke:
Although absorbtion rate is lower, I still think that for lower body issues/cancers this is a great way to attack the problem from two directions(I would most definitely keep taking feco orally but use suppositries as well, for certain conditions)! The other plus is that if you're not keen on being high/stoned then, suppositries are a "reasonable' alternative and shouldn't be discounted:pass:
I infused old bud and hash oil into coconut oil (lecithin added) then poured it into the perfect mould. I found an ice-tray that makes rod shaped ice for water bottles. Froze them and cut them in half, wrapped in wax paper and kept in the freezer.

They melt pretty fast so you have to make quick work of it, if you know what I mean.

They did help, but I decided that the minor benefit was not equal to the effort all in all, I wondered if my potion was too weak, but I thought I made it stronger than my usual salve.
A guy at the collective said that coco-butter works best but I am targeting joints and neurons rather than internal organs, so on to the next experiment.


To benifit medicinally it is imperative to know your dosage mg. no matter what the delivery method.

Funny coming across this thread again.... I currently have customers regularly requesting CBD butt bombs so I am just now getting into mfg. of CBD suppositories.