Starting dosing today @ 1/2 tsp. every 5 hours, until bedtime. My first dose this morning @ 6:00 a.m. hit me pretty hard. Need to do all the other regiments I can in order to stay off of the pharmaceutical pain meds.
I will check back and let you all know how it is working for me.
Hey EOF: Yeah I was them for well over half of my life, and I am far from being young anymore. I'm one of those people that have lost the privilege of using any pharmaceutical pain killers at all. I personally just start relying on them to much, and having the full knowledge of what they do to my receptors, and the quick tolerance build up in my brain.I hear ya Stick buddy. I took pain killers for years(10+) and take next to nothing anymore.Im hoping it works for you brother.I found with combining multiple things with a decent or good diet,has helped me leaps and bounds.
Hey pop: Yea it is a bitch when you have real chronic pain issues and need something to combat it. There are only 2 classes of drugs that work on serious pain issues in our bodies/brains, Opiates, and Cannabis. I know Cannabis helps my lower back more than the high doses of Oxyies I was on. I know it will help you as well! Nothing like growing and making your own meds. :thumbs:I gave up on all the pain meds a couple years ago and just lived with it. Am now sick to death of that too. So I'm growing my first batch and doing bagweed for now, its damn well better than nothing. So I hear ya, I know where your at.
Swampy, that is awesome bro! I may try that with one of my BlackBerry Kushes, that I am running right now.I just Made Some With Alot of a Plant...The Whole Thing Almost ...Took a. Tbls..and Went to.Sleeep for 6 hours ..Then Still Havent really felt pain today...Its Great to Have Canna Oil In Urblood ..Just be careful ....Its great to Lube Up those Joints...
Starting dosing today @ 1/2 tsp. every 5 hours, until bedtime. My first dose this morning @ 6:00 a.m. hit me pretty hard. Need to do all the other regiments I can in order to stay off of the pharmaceutical pain meds.
I will check back and let you all know how it is working for me.
I do have a big bag of roots from dwc. Not sure how to sterilize/clean.