Extraction Canna Olive Oil - Ditch the Pain Pills!!

couldn't have said it better Mustard! :thumbup:

You did say it better, but theres more than one way to trim a plant. Hey Rebel, I think this oil is gonna take off, because it works and it is no more dangerous than making a stew. Gotta few more testers to hear from soon.....

Im making a batch now. Anyone know how long the oil will be good for?
I think if it's properly stored it will last forever.
Any fat can go rancid, I have some 4-5 months still good. Best advise is NO plant matter in the oil when stored, cool dry dark storage. :key:

Plant material will spoil da oil pretty quick,

I use coconut oil because it's very stable, use a mini-ice cube tray and freeze up a lot of little pot cubes.
They'll keep a long time in the freezer.

I finished my batch. 42 grams of sweet leaf from my 2 autoberrys and my photo white widow, 1 liter of olive oil , and 6.5 hours in the slow cooker on low. I took half a teaspoon late last night after work, after 15 minutes I could feel it kicking in and then I woke up this morning on the couch. I'll give another update after I try it again.


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If you are making a strong extract, the trick is to find ice cube trays that are really small. Ones I have are shaped like small chile peppers,
which is fitting somehow.

One of the great things about them is you get a degree of dose to dose consistency. There's usually some gunk that settles to the bottom,
so a few cubes will be a real kick in the pants, but I plan on stirring next time to minimise that.

I only have 2 trays, so it takes a while to make, but the ability to simply reach in the freezer and get a consistent dose is nice.
Infused Coconut Gelcaps are on my short list.......

Coconut oil is easier to work with in many ways

Ok I'm gonna do this i bought some California first cold press what's my ratio for a daytime pain med. my bender finished and is a 80 sativa 20 Rudy plant so I'm wandering how much bud or sugar leaves and stems do i use per liter or whatever.
Rebels Recipe Bro, Top of the thread.... Stick to the recipe and mature plants give the best meds.:tiphat: A daytime dose smaller little to no buzz.

For consistent strength use bud.

Good luck :karma Cloud:
