So the verdict is in on our first batch of oil.....


The missus added 1/2 a tsp to her asian salad at about 11:30. At noon, she was out in the wind and cold, turning her compost pile, feeding warm oatmeal to the chickens (and talking to the chickens, I might add

As Rebel predicted, she had a very active, heady high (she pretty much has next years garden planned out now), and said that even though it is very active, it's also a really mellow feeling, no anxiety at all. Repeat, NO ANXIETY AT ALL! No stress. No worry. That is huge. :High 5: :grat:
I think the 1/2 tsp kinda had her trippin' balls :roflcry: Watching football, I missed a flag play.
"Honey, was that an unnecessary roughness call?"
"No, it was a penalty."
"For what?"
"Unnecessary roughness. I might take a nap...".

I had a bite of the salad, and it gave me a very mild head high, but at least doubled the mobility in my hands and wrists, and just took away the pain in my hip.
This is the real deal. We have friends with serious pain who will benefit greatly from this.
Words can't express my gratitude.