Grow Mediums Canna Coco and High frequency fertigation

Yes friend,top Infos,I actually Always see during First weeks the runoff creeping down,and I mistakenly upp the feeds a bit.In flowering I see Indeed my runoff getting 0.2-3 EC higher because of some buildup.
I referred to 240ppm in 0.5Ec scale as only carbonates,My Total water EC Is around 0.450 and 0.550 EC.So starting with that I would likely not dilute It with distilled as I use to do right?Just add Cannazym and Coco A/B.Here a picture of my autos atm
It sounds like you are getting close to getting things dialed in. With you waters base EC you are close to .6 EC, but as long as you adjust your A&B down just a bit you should be able to use your tap water undiluted until mid-flowering. You could continue to use it through flowering also, but at that point root growth is slow enough that you can get by with less calmag. Reducing the calmag a bit after the stretch is done is usually pretty safe without risking any deficiency. This frees up a little more room for A&B or p/k.

As a reference point here are my approximate feeding values:

Using RO I mix 4ml/gallon canna calmag, this comes out to about 0.4EC I use it through stretch.

I start adding A&B up to 1.0EC and increase up to 1.4-5 heading into the stretch (8 or 9ml each of A&B)

After stretch when buds start stacking I drop the calmag to 0.3 EC and reduce A&B to 8ml each (if I have gone over 8ml). At the same time I start adding PK starting at 1ml/gallon increasing 1ml a day until I top out at 3-4ml/gal. I use runoff as my guide and back off with the PK if the runoff gets more than .2EC higher than the feeding solution. I used to use PK for longer, but it usually ended up causing burn when I used if for more than a week. Now I pretty much follow Canna directions and use it for about a week, 9-10 days max. 1ml of PK is about 0.1 EC, so at 4ml/pk & 8ml A&B per gallon I end up with about 1.8 EC. Zyme, Rhizo and boost all have a pretty low impact on EC, and use them at the low end of the recommended dose up till harvest.

After I drop the PK I keep EC steady at 1.4. As the plants get close to finish they will use less nutrients and the runoff EC will start to creep up again. This is the sign it’s time to start reducing A&B. I usually end up finishing plants for the last 1-2 weeks at about the same EC I started the seedings at 1.0-1.2 EC. I also drop the rhizo, but keep the zyme and boost at the same levels through harvest.

This is by no means a guaranteed method, but it has worked well for me. It took quite a bit of trial and error to figure out a standard feeding schedule for autos using Canna, but I am very happy with how it has been working for me since I got this routine established.
It sounds like you are getting close to getting things dialed in. With you waters base EC you are close to .6 EC, but as long as you adjust your A&B down just a bit you should be able to use your tap water undiluted until mid-flowering. You could continue to use it through flowering also, but at that point root growth is slow enough that you can get by with less calmag. Reducing the calmag a bit after the stretch is done is usually pretty safe without risking any deficiency. This frees up a little more room for A&B or p/k.

As a reference point here are my approximate feeding values:

Using RO I mix 4ml/gallon canna calmag, this comes out to about 0.4EC I use it through stretch.

I start adding A&B up to 1.0EC and increase up to 1.4-5 heading into the stretch (8 or 9ml each of A&B)

After stretch when buds start stacking I drop the calmag to 0.3 EC and reduce A&B to 8ml each (if I have gone over 8ml). At the same time I start adding PK starting at 1ml/gallon increasing 1ml a day until I top out at 3-4ml/gal. I use runoff as my guide and back off with the PK if the runoff gets more than .2EC higher than the feeding solution. I used to use PK for longer, but it usually ended up causing burn when I used if for more than a week. Now I pretty much follow Canna directions and use it for about a week, 9-10 days max. 1ml of PK is about 0.1 EC, so at 4ml/pk & 8ml A&B per gallon I end up with about 1.8 EC. Zyme, Rhizo and boost all have a pretty low impact on EC, and use them at the low end of the recommended dose up till harvest.

After I drop the PK I keep EC steady at 1.4. As the plants get close to finish they will use less nutrients and the runoff EC will start to creep up again. This is the sign it’s time to start reducing A&B. I usually end up finishing plants for the last 1-2 weeks at about the same EC I started the seedings at 1.0-1.2 EC. I also drop the rhizo, but keep the zyme and boost at the same levels through harvest.

This is by no means a guaranteed method, but it has worked well for me. It took quite a bit of trial and error to figure out a standard feeding schedule for autos using Canna, but I am very happy with how it has been working for me since I got this routine established.
I very thank you friend,for your patience too.Seems like I Will not be adding calmag then,Just run my water with 10-15% distilled to lower a bit carbonates.At the Moment I have to put 5ml of nitric acid 3% to ho 5,8ph.That Is Crazy amount of acid.
Thank you so much for your procedure with Canna ❤️
I very thank you friend,for your patience too.Seems like I Will not be adding calmag then,Just run my water with 10-15% distilled to lower a bit carbonates.At the Moment I have to put 5ml of nitric acid 3% to ho 5,8ph.That Is Crazy amount of acid.
Thank you so much for your procedure with Canna ❤️
Always happy to help, and thanks for the reps!