I think you should be fine with some added EWC, but don’t go over board, maybe 1-2 Tbs per gallon?
I mostly use a similar strategy as this post by autobeast, except I use Canna start and Bio rhizo then the bio canna line instead of the line he uses.
After my initial soil charge/rinse with canna start and Bio Rhizo I don’t add anything except water until around the end of week 3.
For week 4-5, or until the stretch has finished I use Vega every other watering with just calmag water between feedings. I am using RO water, so I add calmag to between EC .3-.4 once the plants are larger and growing fast.
After stretch I switch to Flores and add the boost. Sometimes I add the boost with the Vega in week 5 if they are really fast growers and the roots are poking through the cloth pot. I continue alternating water and feed until the flowers are well established and gaining mass. I always check the EC of my runoff and at this point the plants are using so much P/K that they need a boost between full feedings so in addition to calmag I add a very light dose of Flores (5ml/gal) but no boost or rhizo to my watering between feedings. The EC of the runoff always spikes after a feeding and drops after a watering, but my goal is to keep it within a few points of the feeding/watering solution. I try to keep my runoff EC between 1.0-1.5, much higher than 1.5 and they usually start to get yellow leaf tips.
I used the general guidelines in autobeast’s post to come up with this system and it has been working well. I started using this method on my second auto cycle, and by the third cycle is was pretty dialed, in and my 4th and 5th cycles are both going great.
good luck!