Nutrients CANGEN X MANTIS Buffered Nutrients Test

Jesus, So I just did the math on this stuff and its a 1L bottle. Which will make for 200L of solution. My reservoir is 175L and gets flushed every week. So it would cost me roughly $100 a week to use this stuff...ouch.
It's the only real downside to it is the price
Jesus, So I just did the math on this stuff and its a 1L bottle. Which will make for 200L of solution. My reservoir is 175L and gets flushed every week. So it would cost me roughly $100 a week to use this stuff...ouch.
We have direct large scale pricing that is 55% cheaper than the 1 litre. That is if you order the 19 litre.
@MANTIS_mike Do you have an ingredient list?

What is the pH buffer zone for this product?

Is it able to properly stimulate each phase of growth or are additives required?

Is a foliar recommended it unnecessary in your opinion?

Do you have any research on the validity of white ash on the end product as I've seen poorly grown tobacco and cannabis both produce white ash.

I'm going to assume tissue samples were taken but correct me if I'm wrong. This isn't an attempt to argue but it seems impractical that a nutrient could allow full genetic expression without a pH slide or adding more NPK as needed through the various stages of growth. How might an efficient feeding cultivar react in comparison to a heavy feeder especially with the high demand for P and K during the flowering phase?

@MANTIS_mike Do you have an ingredient list?

What is the pH buffer zone for this product?

Is it able to properly stimulate each phase of growth or are additives required?

Is a foliar recommended it unnecessary in your opinion?

Do you have any research on the validity of white ash on the end product as I've seen poorly grown tobacco and cannabis both produce white ash.

I'm going to assume tissue samples were taken but correct me if I'm wrong. This isn't an attempt to argue but it seems impractical that a nutrient could allow full genetic expression without a pH slide or adding more NPK as needed through the various stages of growth. How might an efficient feeding cultivar react in comparison to a heavy feeder especially with the high demand for P and K during the flowering phase?


Hi Damien,

We do have an ingredients list...

It has an N-P-K of 1.5-2.7-2.3
Other ingredients in our formula are:

Our buffering agent is our trade secret but that is what makes our solution so effective. The pH range is between 5.6 - 6.2.

The buffering agent is inert so the plant does not absorb it. This allows the plant access to the ingredients listed above at all times as opposed to the normal feast and famine. When growing with MANTIS, you are not required to add any additives at anytime. You can, but you need to be careful as the buffer works so effectively that the plant tends to draw up what is available more readily. We do suggest that if you add anything else make sure you drop the suggested dosage of the additive by at least half. I alway suggest to not add anything other than MANTIS so you can see the final results on its own. I do not know of many growers that add anything else after they have done a full grow on its own.

We do not suggest to add a foliar at anytime when growing with MANTIS.

White ash is an anecdotal determinant that is said to be clean product. We agree, there could be poorly grown product that can still burn with white ash. What we do know is that the ppm of MANTIS is 500. At that rate, the plant is able to absorb the nutrients that it takes on and therefore is nice clean burning "white ash" even with no flush.

To explain how the plant is able to take on what it needs when it has different requirements in different stages throughout the life cycle, I will use the example of aquaponics.... In aquaponics the food source never changes and the ratio of the food to water never changes. As the plant needs more, it takes more because it is always available. MANTIS is like that but clean and synthetic and you can use it in any neutral substrate.

The fact that the plant is ALWAYS in the optimal pH range is what allows the plant to take on what it needs when it needs it at opposed to us feeding the plant what we think it needs when it needs it.

Best thing to do is put it to the test :) For anyone that would like to try MANTIS for the first time shoot me a quick email and I can set you up with a discount of 40% for the 1 litres. I also have large scale pricing for our 19 litre or larger.

Please hit me direct if you are interested.
250 328 4695
Hi Damien,

We do have an ingredients list...

It has an N-P-K of 1.5-2.7-2.3
Other ingredients in our formula are:

Our buffering agent is our trade secret but that is what makes our solution so effective. The pH range is between 5.6 - 6.2.

The buffering agent is inert so the plant does not absorb it. This allows the plant access to the ingredients listed above at all times as opposed to the normal feast and famine. When growing with MANTIS, you are not required to add any additives at anytime. You can, but you need to be careful as the buffer works so effectively that the plant tends to draw up what is available more readily. We do suggest that if you add anything else make sure you drop the suggested dosage of the additive by at least half. I alway suggest to not add anything other than MANTIS so you can see the final results on its own. I do not know of many growers that add anything else after they have done a full grow on its own.

We do not suggest to add a foliar at anytime when growing with MANTIS.

White ash is an anecdotal determinant that is said to be clean product. We agree, there could be poorly grown product that can still burn with white ash. What we do know is that the ppm of MANTIS is 500. At that rate, the plant is able to absorb the nutrients that it takes on and therefore is nice clean burning "white ash" even with no flush.

To explain how the plant is able to take on what it needs when it has different requirements in different stages throughout the life cycle, I will use the example of aquaponics.... In aquaponics the food source never changes and the ratio of the food to water never changes. As the plant needs more, it takes more because it is always available. MANTIS is like that but clean and synthetic and you can use it in any neutral substrate.

The fact that the plant is ALWAYS in the optimal pH range is what allows the plant to take on what it needs when it needs it at opposed to us feeding the plant what we think it needs when it needs it.

Best thing to do is put it to the test :) For anyone that would like to try MANTIS for the first time shoot me a quick email and I can set you up with a discount of 40% for the 1 litres. I also have large scale pricing for our 19 litre or larger.

Please hit me direct if you are interested.
250 328 4695

Thank you for the detailed answer. That was what I was looking for. Apologies if my comments seemed combative.