Canadian growing: What's the minimum temp to start

May 11, 2019
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I'm a first time grower in southern Ontario. So ordered myself some autoflower seeds. Wondering what's the minimum outdoor daytime temperature before I sow my seeds. Currently (May 12th) its only 10C outside...still quite chilly. I don't want to waste too much of my vegetative time growing slow in low temperatures.
Thanks dude. I think that's what I'll do. We should get there by end May in the Toronto area, and hopefully above 20C during the days.
Thanks dude. I think that's what I'll do. We should get there by end May in the Toronto area, and hopefully above 20C during the days.
Honestly I'm planting a few photos next weekend for my girlfriends family and just praying the plants are resilient enough to stick tough through it. I've got Autos indoors @ my place as my main focus
Don't have a good indoor set up, so I'm banking on the great outdoors for my autos. Thanks and good luck with the crop.
The clones are going out today,, no more room at the inn for them. Autos are still too small to go out, they will be out in June.. I'm down chatham area. Supposed to turn nice starting today and hopefully the rain eases off!
Im a little lost on this one.... We're not hitting a 15 overnight in north GTA until July....
Im planning on starting soon and moving them into my garage on sub 15 nights
I live on the coast so slightly different temps, but last year i started moved my auto seedlings outside around may 1 when overnight temps were about 12 degrees and they did fine. on the prairies people i know wait until june 1.