NEWS Canadian Autoflower Breeders & Seedbanks

Son of Hobbes

High of the Tiger
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2012
Reaction score
Who are any known Canadian breeders and seed banks in Canada?

True North is one...

Who is up there doing things right now?

I'm building out a spreadsheet of breeders and seed banks for autoflowers, trying to build out a more complete list!
I’ve purchased and grown plants from 3 different seed vendors up here. CropKing Seeds, TNSB, and Mephisto. Never had issues with any of them, and would purchase from them again if the need arises.

I’ve also heard of Farmers Labs over in BC selling seeds. I’ve seen a couple of journals on here with their gear, and I’ve had a few buddys grow out some auto strains by them. Not the best genetics out there though, with both buddy’s having about a 50/50 rate with the autos actually flowering on their own.
I've done a few Canuk seeds freebee's (photo and auto) and I've they have been excellent. I think crop king should be put on the naughty list though, especially for auto's. I've been watching grow journals for them the last couple years and 50% don't auto and a lot of complaints about poor customer service. Ontario Cannabis store is the only legal source of seeds I've found and they don't have any auto's.
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