DIY can you make an air pot???

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first i want to sya thanks to everyone for the replies and the insight.. with autoss in an airpot with air pruneing and what not it does make sence that it would perhapst stunt them.. but ive seen a thread on here a little wile back of a fella useing a 1 gal airpot and it outproduced a 3 gallon reg. pot hands down with an auto.. any ways what if u stacked two pots witha balck plastic bag or landscape cloth imbetween them, drill holes and then pulled the plastic/ cloth back out ward through the whole makeing a cone shape sticking out the sides... if you can picture that as i did last night before falling asleep it seems that it might work. ill do it and post some pics up posibly if i think its decent enough.
That sounds like a good idea. I have also been brainstorming ideas to make my own Airpots. The DIY vid on youtube is not a damn Airpot. It's just a pot with holes in it, not the same as the in and out conical features of the actual thing.
the only issue with my bag or cloth imbetween pots thing is mold and mildew. if water gets trapped between the two pots or between the plastic bag and the pot u cna screw your self quite simply put its risky.
I seen a hell of a plant in a beer can.
What is the benefit of the cones Over just holes?
I don't understand how anyone thinks this would be difficult or time consuming. All you have to do is buy some quality weed fabric, measure and cut two pieces, sew them together with some waterproof thread to prevent it from rotting apart and flip it inside out. It's just like everything else in the growing scene, they make you think it's some kind of magic so you pay out the ass at the store when some basic DIY skills gets the job done cheap.
the cones air prune much better than just your avrage hole in the side cause they driect the roots toward the air once the air presure changes enough the root sences that and kills the tip then sending signals for immediate growth at that spot and the root explodes closer toward the pain root. better root mass mroe surface area = mor nutrient/water uptake = bigger plant= better yeild ..although somewhat stressfull the plant overcomes these stresses and prevails un scaved and plentyfull. if i missed anythign lemmy no. but i think i got it . any ways im wrking on that whole mold imbetween pots thing.. the soddering iron meltin holes from inward out seems like not to shappy of an idea but does it work?
mr piggy u make it seem so easy and if it is that easy then why doesnt everyone do it? im yet to see a vid eo on youtube or anything on this forum or other forums.. seems that nonone has took the " little amount of time" that it takes to replicate the airpot.. im not haten infact im going to do my best and try that but i doubt it will work with me behind the sewing needle hahaha ..i just want a cheap airpot so i can grow better plants :crying:
Look harder, ICmag is littered with them. All of their giant outdoor plants are in homemades. The indoors have a few as well. I've also seen small ones on this site in the 32oz container thread. It's not that hard if you can do basic sewing. Measure your bottom piece out and cut it. Then measure out your wall piece to be slightly longer than the circumference of your bottom piece. Sew the sides of the top piece together to make a tube, then sew that to the bottom piece and flip the whole thing inside out so the seams are on the inside. If you make Giant ones make sure you don't make them taller than 18 inches as that's about as far as the air can penetrate the soil. I don't understand how that is confusing or difficult.