Lighting Can you do a indoor grow in the summer time ...40ºc plus

All messed up and nowhere to go?

oh dear this is quite depressing
I transferred the seedlings into the nft trays and immediately I encountered problems that have left me at quite a loss for a few days .. unfortunately I think I am going to lose this grow :(

all of the conditions concerning ec and ph are in a good range however we hit a huge heat wave and temps soared out side to 43 ºc and within the room temps raised to just over 25ºc even with the a/c going at full whack

I started noticing a bleaching of leaves and after 4 days I started getting very concerned. At first I worried about the light being too close so I raised it to about 45 inches and reduced it down to the seedling setting, just in case.


I didn't understand what was going on so truly confused I tried foliar feeding with cal mag, altered the timings on the pump, spent days pouring over pics of illnesses,nute defs etc, only to see the plants slowly deteriorating in front of my eyes. Now by this stage it was breaking my heart: I've never seen this happen before and I didn't have the answer ready to hand.

Now from experience I know with a auto grow that at this stage we have a huge increase in vegetative growth to enable the plant to have enough size to yield enough weight and this problem couldn't have arrived at a worse time. No matter what possible scenario and solution I tried, things kept getting worse. I started seeing yellowing in new growth as well and necrosis of older leaves ..

hope you guys appreciate the two flies in the photo as my new models

Desperately trying to work out what was happening ...
OK here's some of the pics (and they look even worse on film than in real life!)

Having pretty much ruled out pH, high room temps, cal-mag def (although this may be there too) various nute lockouts, defs and overfeeds, I then decided to lift one of the pots to look at the roots:


ok thats a root problem yes ?

Now I've a bubbler in the 90 L rez tank, so I didnt think I was overwatering because the aspect of the plant wasnt droopy? - but roots shouldn't be that colour ...

Its a new set up, new room, new nfts etc ... elimination led me to water temps ...mmmmmmmm ok I tested these and in the main rez I had a reading of 28.5.

Why is the water temp higher than the room temps as the main room temp is 25 and normally you would see at least a 3ºc temperature difference, I have to conclude that the tiles on the floor are conducting heat from outside of the grow room. The whole house consists of tiled ceramic flooring, and the room is on the first floor (in a corner of the house with 2 outside walls). I've just checked the water temp coming out of the taps .. and its 28.2C.

From what I've read today on this, these higher end water temps prevent the roots uptaking oxygen (hence root damage), plus it encourages any present pythium (water comes from a storage tank) to flourish .. so given that there may be slight transplant shock to roots as they are moved onto the NFT tray, has just led to the plants being starved no matter how diligently I adhered to a feeding regime.

Anyway because of the stage the plants are at I think I have to end the trial as I wont be able to see the full potential of this new light system and have to start again ..

ooops :)

ok so I'm pretty gutted. Thank god for Stitch's Super Stinkys (I just got 500g off 2 plants) .. incredibly sativa based high means nothing quite matters so much at the mo!

However what I have to remember are the following points so I can take something from this grow and move on with a little more knowledge:

1. the need to insulate the grow tank from the tiled floor
2. in extreme temps when using a recycling system the need to take more care of my rez temps
3. in extreme temps to consider the use of a water chiller
4. recognise the symptoms at a earler stage and be more prompt with my diagnosis
5. what a bastard pythium can be when it takes a toe hold in a hydroponic system


> add h2o2 to the system at the dilution rate of 0.5 % of H2o2(17.5%)v 50 mil per hundred L of solution
> insulate the tank with 25 mm polysterene sheeting to protect from the tiled floor .. hell i insulated last winter to protect from the cold .. it makes sense ..
> add bottles of iced water to the rez to try and reduce the temp
> cross my fingers and hope for a miracle :)
> save up for a water chiller for next year?
> consider sticking with coco-perlite during the summer months?
> accept the fact that I am going to have a substandard grow......however something is better than nothing
>reduce the ec
>foliar feed for a week
if anyone has any suggestions then please pipe up I could do with it!

wow wow wow

Beware water uin south europe like spain is very bad EC level..asfixy is very problematical

First of all i'll be doing a cleaning of the roost first with just pure fresh water to try to clean the roots (not easy cause they look burned) changed the water each day and this onto 2/3 days...

than ajust a very light eEC level like 0.8/1.0 max with a complete range of nutrients like 5.5.5 to try to get back the plants alive....

Ph 5.8/6.2 max

try to do just small amount of water and change it every 4/5 days to avoid asfixy

air pump very well the water and if u can had some ice in the container some times if the heat wave if too much long...

lets see what happen
ty stitch for the advice you are a star :)
nute burn ? i'm surprised as I have kept the ec below 1.1
but hell I will give a fresh water flush a try........ nothing to lose huh :)
not nut burns...better say combination of bad watter (better use osmosis water than regular home water), to much heat, etc...
I'm no hydro expert but it sure sounds like your res temps to me. I believe 65 is optimum and you're running a good 20 degrees over that. Sounds like you need a chiller.
good advice you got LBP any water temp above 70F is flirting with disaster 65/68F is best...

Hey guys Thanks for the advice .. yes I agree with you all!

I think the question in the thread title "Can you do a indoor grow in the summer time ...40ºc plus without lots of expensive equipment" has been answered - at least hydroponically!

I wasn't expecting it to turn out like it has. When I asked that question I was thinking more of air temps funny how these things can bite you in the ass :)
I had expected with the LEDs I would be able to pull it off! So I think I will try again but using coco perlite this time and put the nft setups in storage until winter as its a lot easier to heat up the tank than take heat away :)
wow I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the price of a chiller on amazon and ebay: I don't think my missus will let me spend any more money on my hobby she says it's her turn to waste money on luxuries :)
I will try to revive the plants, and for the next week add sterilized frozen bottled water to the res. If I add around 5 L of bottled ice it brings down the temps by 3 degrees to 25 & hopefully now that the tank is insulated from the tiled floor, this will help bring down the temps in the next few days. At present the ice melts in the bottle less than an hour after I have put it in!

I might be wasting my time here but I will give it a go

Again guys thank you very much guys for your input - top geezers :) - I guess as a famous Chinese philosopher once said "shit happens"
im afraid I lost the lot to pythium having a rethink and have another 50 unsexed seedlings on the go in the bubbler that are about 10 days old now with bottled ice in the res keeping the temps around 22ºc most of the time .......
I think I will start another thread as this one was Jinxed thats the first time ive lost the lot bit of a wake up call :)
tx once again guys for all of the help and advice but I think this one was doomed by the time you guys chipped in
anyway heres to the next one