Lighting Can you do a indoor grow in the summer time ...40ºc plus



(without spending a fortune on heat management?)

Since I moved to southern Europe several years ago I've had to stop growing indoors for most of the year. Dealing with heat issues just made the whole thing problematic and it was hardly ever worth the effort. Plus, with such glorious sunshine I was happy enough to join my new countrymen and grow outdoors. But lets face it, whilst the marijuana plant LOVES the sunshine, outdoor weed just aint got the same quality as best grade interior skunk. LEDs have changed all this, and I'm a new convert.

At the beginning of the year I ran a showdown of a small LED versus a 250 watt HPS, and the LED did great … but I was left with the question as to whether a 600 watt draw LED would be able to produce at the levels demanded by any serious grower. Now I'd love to do a showdown at this level, but it being summer and my outdoor temps are touching 36ºC and it just aint worth the plant life to try and get a 600 HPS running at the moment. I've just got the big LED though and I cant wait until autumn to put her into action, so here's my grow journal of 25 autoflowers in a hydro system.

I'm going to be doing this grow looking at how well this LED lighting system works from a number of different angles:

Grams Per Watt

Firstly of course I will be testing for gpw (grams per watt). Bear in mind that this grow will using a auto strain and as experience tells us that “as a rule” autos will produce slightly less per square meter than traditional photoperiod varieties, allow a little tolerance for this .. I'm an “auto fiend” and as this is one of my own varieties that I've been working on for the last couple of years I'm going to go ahead and do it anyway … mother always said I was a stubborn little bugger!

Optimum light and power consumption

Also I will be looking at the efficiency of this light: the huge thing I really love about my new light is the settings options – it has four switches that mean that at each stage of growth I can change

the amount of leds that are available &
the light spectrum which I choose to use

The combination of these two effects is that I should be able to grow a cannabis plant from seed to harvest using just one, large sized (600 watt draw) lighting unit. And not only that, but as the plant moves from seedling to strong vegetative growth, from flower set to buds blooming, I can control how much power is offered to the plant (10%, 20%, 40%, 80%, 100%) and also what end of the spectrum the plant receives most of its light from.

Heat and Interior Growing

As a by product of this test (and others) I'll be looking into the question of heat control in the indoor grow room. I know some of you UK growers are just glad to see a bit summer sunshine no matter what, but lets face it, pretty much the world over heat management is a big factor in any indoor grow using HPS lighting.

This grow is situated in a semi arid area where summer temps touch (and exceed) 40 degrees. Now one of the biggest pluses of growing with LEDS is the lack of heat they produce. I know cannabis growers who are struggling as we speak with HID systems even though they are using 2.5K airconditioning systems with half the amount of light that I am using. Thanks to this trial, the "safe-guard seedlings" in coco-perlite, and a seed run I'm doing, I am running over 2.5k actual draw of LED lighting in a 7 square meter area. I'm using a 125mm rvk extractor and a 900 watt portable air con unit. Lets see how the system copes with the summer heat as we move into August!

So rather than prattle away for a couple of thousand of words ... I'm going to bang straight into this trial and let anyone who reads this report make their own minds up explaining the different features as and when I use them.

Get ready for lots of “pink” pics and eventually lots and lots of “bud porn”! (fingers crossed)

Days 1-7

average outside temps 25-35ºC
average temps inside room 23-25ºC
average RH 45-65 %

OK I popped 100 seeds, germinated on tissue paper, and then put into rockwool. Lost a few to the kitten (why?) and am left with 94 seedlings. Now I'm going to be putting the light over a hydro table, but as my seeds have not been feminised, I can't put them straight into the trays. Not quite able to cough up the 200 quid for a X-stream aeroponic propagator right at the moment, I've decided to have a go at building my own “bubblers”(dwc). As usual with this kind of do-it-yourself job, it all depends on sourcing the right materials. I've had problems with a d-i-y- bubbler in the past so I have 45 seedlings in bubblers to go on to the hydro-tray (ideally I need 25 females from these to fill it nicely). The other seedlings I've put straight into coco-perlite under an adjustable LED as a fall back. All going well these will provide some comparison to the strength of the light ... All going badly, I'll still have some seedlings left to grow on. I realise the second group aren't a strict control group, but it should still provide some level of comparison (for myself at least).

Heres a pic of the 100 seedlings (day 4) sat in 2 cm "grodan" propagation blocks
And here's a pic day 7 of some of the 45 unsexed seedlings sat in their bubblers ready to go:

Until I see the roots pushing out of the net pots I will be watering from above a few mils of 5.8 ph'd water twice a day until we fill the pots and fire up the bubblers.

See you next week ...

Happy tokin


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Lost a few to the kitten (why?) and am left with 94 seedlings.


Thanks for all the info and post. I do nothing but 1-2 plant closet dwarf grows. :) So I can't be of much help with heat, yet I do have to blow 1-2 mini-fans on my lights directly (LED/CFLs), to deflect the direct heat and keep the air moving. If it were a still heat in that box, they would stunt or die, the key for me was to work at 80-85 F in the summer, I had no realistic choice, so the airflow was key, keep it moving.
in my opnion all basic principles apply to all grow rooms, big or small. You are completely correct air flow is the key unless your adding CO2 and even then good movement with the room is important thinks :)
here they come

Looks I might be firing up the home made bubbler tomorow

Ive not had a lot of experience with dwc the seedling are around 9 days old with the roots showing through the nets do you think they are ready for it?
Decided to fire the bubbler's up today!!!!!!!!!! here's wishing me luck f knows why I am so nervous about this out of the comfort zone I guess :) Im not sure about how much air they need what size stone to use (worried mine might be a little small) buckets are 25 L each
amazing Ive only had the bubbler going for what 18 hours and the roots have nearly doubled in size the seedlings are twice the size of the one in co-co perlite im starting to remember why i LOVED HYDRO SO MUCH
very excited !
ok so its time for a full report ...

outside temps: 28-38ºC
inside room temps: 23-26ºC
rh: 35-65%
chemicals used this week -

General Hydroponics 3 part. 5ml of AB&C for each 25L bucket
5ml Cal Mag for each 25L bucket
10ml Rhizotonic
Lots of pH Down!
desired EC reading 1.0, desired pH reading 5.7. Adjusted daily.
on day 14 started hydroponic peroxide (H2o2) 17.5%, 10ml per 25 L bucket
sexing - have identified 3 males and 1 female on day 14 (males removed).

Its been a real hot and sticky week outdoors , with my living room reading 31ºC and 77% rh at midnight. Thank goodness for the grow room where its been cool and calm!

Within 24 hours of firing up the bubbler (see post above) I noticed excellent root growth and it started getting exciting for the next 7 days as the roots stormed out of the pots into the bubbler. At least 3 times a day, I would lift the lid, raise the pots high and proclaim to my wife "look at this!" ... strangely enough she didn't share my enthusiasm. Women!

roots day 14.jpg

have been slightly concerned (but then I worry about everything) about pH fluctuation, as it seems that every 24 hours, when I tested with the Tri-metre that the pH had raised from 5.7 to 6.8 or sometimes 7. I seem to be pouring a lot of pH down into the system to keep the pH stable. This cant be great? If anyone has any thoughts on this I would be very grateful for them.

Physically though, looking at the seedlings they seem to be doing great, with only tiny amounts of stress showing on the leaves, no apparent stretching and good colour (no signs of bleaching). I started the seedlings off at 42" from the canopy. I haven't lifted the light so they are now about 40" from the AF-600. On day 12 I changed the grow light setting and increased the number of blue panels (switch 1 on, switches 2,3 & 4 off). The light is now running at 40% of its power - WOW I am really starting to dig this light and if for nothing else the pure versatility of it.

seedling day 14 2.jpg
Not a lot else to say really. Above and below are a couple of pics at day 14. What I would say is that in comparison with the seedlings in coco-perlite, they are doing fabul-ose-ly! Whether this is more the result of the AF-600 grow light or the hydroponic bubblers, its impossible to be sure. What I do know is that this combination of blue spectrum light with hydro is perfect. These little babies are getting absolutely the best start possible. And I say that with 15 years growing experience, indoors, outdoors, hydro, coco-perlite, soil, 4 crops with this same batch of seeds ... this is going to be beautiful.
seedling day 14.jpg

On days 13 and 14 I was able to identify 3 males and 1 female. Now I've been working on this particular strain for 2 years and I've never seen sign of sex this early. Another indication of things to come?

On day 14 I started adding H202. Didn't think they were lacking, but I had just been to the grow shop and got some. Sometimes ,I should remember that less is more ... but god how I wish I had a CO2 system right now. More can be more!

I'm hoping by the time the next report is written that all the females will be selected and the NFTs will be running. The missus will be glad to get them out of the bedroom too ..

I am going to take a gamble now. Because of the size of the seedlings and their excellent booming growth rate and my increasing confidence in this light system, I may only put 12 seedlings on the table under the AF-600. I think that despite them being a shortish auto, they are going to be big enough to fill it. I'll play it by ear .. no promises! Also, if I do this, I will go against all advice from other auto growers and nip them out. I actually think that in optimum growth conditions, autos CAN be pruned and will produce more per plant with a touch of early meristem tip pruning. Now you guys are the experts, what do you think?

Thats it for now, we are about to enter the most crucial stage in auto growing! Wish me luck ..

Happy tokin.

PS here's a pic of one of the seedlings in coco-perlite
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lol I am I speaking to myself :) no worrys if no one interested I always talk to my self
anyway when I added the h2o2 the plants took a small dive they went a little floppy within 24 hours so any way I reduced the light changed the res to a weaker solution and left them for 24 hours they picked up however with some yellowing of the lowest set of leaves showing within 24 hours as if they were def in N
lol I am I speaking to myself :) no worrys if no one interested I always talk to my self

I think that if you have a question you should ask it plainly on a thread that pertains to the question you're asking. It looks like you're certainly clever enough to decisively figure out any problems you have with your grow on your own. I know that my words my at first seem harsh, I assure you, you're doing a good job. I feel that you need to simplify your setup a bit as far as the nutrient regiment is concerned. Eliminate the H2O2, take a look at my regiment posted in my signature. Truly, less is more when nutrients are concerned.

Like I said earlier, I mean no disrespect at all by my language. This looks like a massive setup, but I think you can simplify it a bit. Good Job, good luck. Peace in Wisdom

yeah no worrys m8 yes as far as the h2o2 is concerned I agree in fact following the instructions on the bottle of GH H2O2 17:% it burnt the roots a little ah well live and learn huh
as far as using to many nutes I dont think so for a hydro set up its only GH three part with rhizotonic thrown in the mix
the mag is crucial when growing with leds I have no choice there really when not used in the early days I had probs with mg deficency but yes I get where you are coming from
tx bud
peace to yourself as well I will have a look at your sig grow now