Indoor Can i lollipop in 7th week?

Dec 23, 2011
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Hi, Guys! :)

I am thinking of maybe lollipopping my 7th Easy Ryder? I can imagine that it´s no good idea. But i have a lot of small minibuds that not seem to grow.

i was thinking the same thing im heading to week 6 and have a 24 inch critical + with 30+ bud sites. I would say just let them grow without any stress!

I know itd hard to get a reply sometime bc people are too good here... be patient and think positive and you will prosper
You can absolutely take the top off of any auto and turn it into a perpetual grow or just to allow the lower bud sites to develop. I took my cream carmel and hbd tops at week 11 and just in 1 week they have doubled the lower bud sites!
dreday, that ban didn't teach you a thing did it? you wait one hour after the OP, and then bash the members here because nobody has responded yet? the only one who thinks they're "too good" here is you and i really hope you find another forum where your bs attitude will be welcomed, cause it's not here.
It's pretty fair to say that most people on here are adults with families and things to do. I could see dre's comment being legit if the thread sat for days. An hour.. That's funny. Why would some one reply if they don't know anything about it? To spread more bad info about autos?

He also waited until TBM went to bed.. :lol:


Hej you can lolipop autos, as long as it's a big enough pheno. I cut off most of the lower buds on the branches so the main bud on the branches used most of the energy. On my last asian haze grow anwyays.
I am assuming that lollipopping a plant would best be done at a certain what age in weeks would you start and stop?
And would you hack all the bottom shit off in one go or do it in several steps?
I am assuming that lollipopping a plant would best be done at a certain what age in weeks would you start and stop?
And would you hack all the bottom shit off in one go or do it in several steps?
I don´t know. What would be the best?

Hej you can lolipop autos, as long as it's a big enough pheno. I cut off most of the lower buds on the branches so the main bud on the branches used most of the energy. On my last asian haze grow anwyays.

Ok, but when do you do this? At what age?
You can absolutely take the top off of any auto and turn it into a perpetual grow or just to allow the lower bud sites to develop. I took my cream carmel and hbd tops at week 11 and just in 1 week they have doubled the lower bud sites!
Oh, yeah. Doesn´t this stess the plant alot?
Hejdaman no it doesn't stress the plant if you top it. What happens is that it puts all of its flowering energy into the buds that are left. So in my case I topped at week 10 since the tops usually matures before the rest of the plant. Now the lower less mature buds get more time and energy to develop! The two I topped have doubled in girth and density in two weeks.
I had a fight with my girlfriend, and it ended up with that i cut off the top cola of the Easy Ryder. So now it looks kind of cool, and the branches get a lot of light. I think it can be a good thing? Can it? Should i sterilize maybe? I have alcohol that i can rub on thecut.


You don't have to do anything buddy but I would throw a pk booster at her if you have it! This will help her put all its energy into the lower bud sites.