New Grower Can Auto Seedlings Be Transplanted?

Ok! Hows this:

24 hours after transplant 6 3/4" so she grew 1 1/4' since beening transplanted! Now maybe not all autos would do so well, but I see no reason that most shouldn't do just as well.
here's a pic:

I think the key is to transplant before they get root bound. Once root bound, you can't get the out of a pot without some damage to the tiny root hairs, and the same gfoes for any plant, it just matters less with anything non-auto.

I agree with pop, I have transplanted many auto assassins with no problems whatsoever. It does seem to depend on the strain though, when I messed with dwarf autos they just got stunted.
I have grown a lot of autos over the years and never had a problem transplanting. I usually transplant around week 2 to 2 1/2 from seed or about 1 week before pre flower starts. I also always water good before I transplant and after as I feel it helps the soil stay together better and helps prevent shock. I start all my seed in 16oz solo cups after they sprout. I put the cup with holes in the bottom of them for drainage in another cup with something to get it about 1/2" off the bottom for drainage. If you don't and you water too much it will starve the roots of oxygen and stunt the plant. I tip my cups almost up side down but at a slight angle and lightly squeeze the cup to loosen it.