Can anyone help?

Jan 10, 2018
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I am completely new to this and have already messed up a little /: so any info would be hugely appreciated!!

I baught 3 different auto seeds from gorilla and germinated all 3 in the same container stupidly not keeping them separate to know which strain is which.

Anyway 1 of them didn’t germinate and 1 of them turned yellow and died not long after it sprouted out the coco, I think because I put a dome over and didn’t have a fan inside the tent circulating enough air and it got to humid in there and died. :(

But my last one is still going strong and on day 11, it would be devastating if this one fails also. I do have to more seeds that should be arriving tomorrow but stil this was my first.

I have used canna coco natural and canna a and b, I have a 600w hps in a tent 120x120x200 I have 1 extraction fan and 1 fan lightly blowing on the seedling. I have wattered roughly one every 2-3.days but keeping top layer moist. I have been having trouble with temp and humidity both fluctuating prob a little to much.

Also I read somewhere that I was supposed to “pre charge” my coco with a light mix of canna a and b and water throughly before planting and I did not do this so I did water a few days ago with a 1/4 strength a and b. Everything seemed to be going fine but then last night I noticed the start of slight yellowing on the tips of the leaves and in the very centre of the seedling we’re new growth is developing is going slightly Brown/red.

Also the ph I have kept roughly 5.8, you can’t see properly on the picture but it’s slightly yellow/pale green

Can anyone help please!? Also as this is 11 days old what do you guys think of the size?


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To early to start feeding.Hold off on nutes for awhile and see how she does.
Coco grow! I'm not a coco grower, but know it's treated different than soil, you need feed from start... how much and when? I couldn't tell ya... but will say I've read several posts referring to issues with not treating your medium correctly prior to planting... I'll see if I can't find a coco doc!
I just told him to stop feeding and now you tell him to feed.Even in coco when the roots are just starting to grow it is easy to damage them with nutes given right away.Did he wash the coco before using it because there are some brands of coco that the ph is way off and this could be causing this problem that's why I recommend growing in a soil mix for a few grows and than try coco,
I just told him to stop feeding and now you tell him to feed.Even in coco when the roots are just starting to grow it is easy to damage them with nutes given right away.Did he wash the coco before using it because there are some brands of coco that the ph is way off and this could be causing this problem that's why I recommend growing in a soil mix for a few grows and than try coco,
Yeah, third paragraph from bottom...

"Also I read somewhere that I was supposed to “pre charge” my coco with a light mix of canna a and b andwater throughly beforeplanting and I did not do this"

Not trying to step on toes, and as stated, haven't grown in coco... just what I've read.
Thankyou everyone for your replies I really appreciate it! Ok so here is another thing I am struggling with, the temperature. I have a digital thermometer that also reads humidity, so I started of placing it in the pot next to my baby leaning against the edge, but I suspect it is raising temp being in direct light, it’s saying upwards of 36 when it’s there. So instead I have it on the floor next to the pot. Any advice about that would be amazing as I know it won’t be accurate down there. On the floor it states 26 normally with humidity around 40% (struggling to get it higher before I buy a humidifier) ph of water I am feeding around 5.8 and checked run of after i flushes from giving bites and that was 6.5. The light is currently 27 inches away from the top of the the highest leaf. Because the thermometer was reading 36+ I was worried it was to hot so lifted the light a little. I do have a small fan blowing slightly on the seedling and the air between the light and pot but it still reads to high due to being in direct light. And I did not wash it I know I should have now, it’s canna natural, apparently a good one? Also I do not have any cal/mag. Or an e.c meter. Will they be essential?

Namvet I wish I did try soil first I here it is a lot easier, but I don’t want to give up on coco just yet :)

Thanks for the help everyone!!
Also forgot to mention when I got in from work today there has been growth, not much just the leaves got a little bigger, the middle browninsh part looks like it is getting. Slightly greener but the overall of the plant I think looks kinda pale.
:toke:-- all Canna stuff, so quality isn't the issue,...with coco dedicated nutes, extra Ca-Mg may not be needed,.... using a very weak nute solution to prime the coco is common practice, and since pure coco has basically nothing in it, some sort of weak feeds should start withing a few days or so,...
RH is fine, T is high at 34C, but not bad,... 600w is blasting strong, is it in a cool tube? It should be at least 24-36" away,.. yes, proximity heating can happen with that temp gauge, especially with HPS,... I need a normal light pic too, HPS light is lousy for diagnostics,... newest growth will always be a paler color BTW,... yellowing tips is another matter, might be that 1/4 str. feed was too rich,...
wait, whaaat?? You're getting an increase in pH from run-off? that's damn strange,... what's your water source? How are you testing pH? If with a meter, is it calibrated recently, and stored in the proper solution, never drying out?
run-off, flushing,.. have you researched coco at all mate? it's absolutely not like true soil, and can't be treated as such, you know about it's do's and don'ts, about it's CEC properties (cation exchange capacity).... in pots, never use just water alone; feed every time, think hydro here, which is what it's closer too,.... 15-20% run-off every time,... flushing is unnecessary unless in dire need,... done with water alon, it'ss mess up the CEC balance in there, causing nute issues starting with Ca, which coco binds strongly to itself,...