Indoor c02 experts help!

Jul 17, 2017
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need some advice from the experts as im about to aquire a co2 generator and controller.

my current setup is a tent, inside a sealed room with an aircon (mini split) i've attached a dodgy paint drawing showing it.

so im struggling to figure this out, done a ton of research but everyone talks about venting as venting OUTSIDE the sealed room, but i have a tent INSIDE a sealed room. i need the filter running for smell, and it also cools the hood. if i leave this running like it is and add the c02 generator to the room is it just going to vent the c02 straight out of the tent into the sealed room? or will the fact the room is sealed just mean the aircon will recirculate the c02 until its at the required PPM?

im just having a brain fart moment here, do i need to change anything with this setup? feel free to draw me a dodgy paint drawing of your own lol.


  • grow room setup.jpg
    grow room setup.jpg
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That's the problem with adding CO/2 when you have fans drawing the air through a carbon filter to the outside.The CO/2 will be drawn out faster than it can be replaced Your probably better off just having fresh air blowing in and a exhaust fan drawing air out along with fans blowiing gently over the plants.
Yeah but that's what I'm asking about, since it's all basically in the same room since it's sealed room wouldn't the generator just keep going till it's at 1500ppm for the whole room not just the tent? I think that's how it would work anyway. Unless there is some other way I can manage it and still have the filter going. I've also been told I should just have the c02 generator outside the tent and the passive intake from the vent fan in the tent will suck in the c02.

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Probably should update since I figured it out once I got my generator setup incase anyone else is curious.

Co2 generator in tent, carbon scrubber to duct to light to exhaust fan running 24/7. Co2 controller is turning on the generator for about 1-3mins on average and that gets the ENTIRE 10x10 room upto 1500ppm (I tested with the sensor in and out of the tent) goes for about an hour or so until it kicks back on again.

So yeah I was right in my assumption and the generator can be inside or outside tent. It was just easier having it in the tent so the plants get the co2 straight up and since it's only on a few minutes it's not affecting temps at all. Super happy also knowing it will easily do the whole room when i expand

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i am no expert but i think there would be a way.

The problem is you dont have LED only lights so they have to be cooled all the time.

If you create 2 seperate tubes, one for cooling the light and one for changing the air inside, then u would have a solution.

The tube that cools the light needs to have an extra intake from a place that doesnt smell like cannabis. The outake needs to go out of the tent and out of the room.
The tube that is connected to the carbon scrubber needs an outake that goes directly out of your house. The fan needs to change the air once per hour or so.
After the air has been changed the CO2 generator turns on until the room is full. Then after an hour or so the air is changed again with the carbon scrubber and so on.

Think of a way to have a goot timing for your visits in the tent.