Seed Stockers BWM’s Rolling Seedstockers Grow

Hey BWM, cracking grow mate, i think thats salt build up? mine had it realll bad.
Cheers bro, it’s furry so It’s not salt build up. Bit musty smelling too but I’m not worried at this stage. They’re 19 litre pots I believe. Crammed into that small space it’s to be expected at some point. Not to mention they’ve been getting sprayed with various stuff most days.
RH is around 60% just now but that’s because the weather has changed quite drastically.
Cheers bro, it’s furry so It’s not salt build up. Bit musty smelling too but I’m not worried at this stage. They’re 19 litre pots I believe. Crammed into that small space it’s to be expected at some point. Not to mention they’ve been getting sprayed with various stuff most days.
Yeah i had same kinda stuff, but when i touched it was very grainy. if your really worried fire it into the emergency section see if anyone can guide you. seem us scots are getting more and more on this forum
Yeah i had same kinda stuff, but when i touched it was very grainy. if your really worried fire it into the emergency section see if anyone can guide you. seem us scots are getting more and more on this forum
No worries just now mate. My rh is high but it will come down. Then we’ll see what happens! In theory if it’s mould then a lower rh will slow it down or kill it completely.
Nice work on a full tent!
Is the Santa Marta the auto or the photo?
Appreciate the rep, this plant is an auto, she was put into a pot an just left to do her thing. 21/12 lighting, No topping, bending or anything else which means I’ve hardly any side branching but she’s getting almost as big as the other ladies in the tent. Lots of bushyness starting to appear on her now! I must say though it was more of an experiment really to see how an auto will do in those conditions. I wasn’t keen on popping anymore seeds but @hairyman convinced me to fill the gaps......... Turns out this auto could probably do quite well if it was LST’d in these conditions.
Here she is today........



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