Badge Hunter
as finally get my ro in, and all the research in soil and soil less, and so i settled on this but im doing soil in smart pot and everywhere i looked says can be used as both hydro and trad. method
after it coming in however either they REALLLY SUCK AT MIXING or they mixed way too much perlite in it which i thought was strange, so i flip the bag, and what does it say........ 10% about itself and 90% about how to run it with hydro or drip system, found out this is designed for people with res. or drip system not really for traditional water method, which is really shady considering its blasted on thier site, yet get the bag and GFY basically.
nothing bad with it so far, just be aware if you dont have a drip or hydro rig you prob gonna have to do some amending/ or pick something else from their line because
1. their web
2. their catalog
3.on their actual bag
all there have similar but diff. wording and reworded (point is 3 diff descriptions of 1 product) i say thats FUBAR (its german:cough
after it coming in however either they REALLLY SUCK AT MIXING or they mixed way too much perlite in it which i thought was strange, so i flip the bag, and what does it say........ 10% about itself and 90% about how to run it with hydro or drip system, found out this is designed for people with res. or drip system not really for traditional water method, which is really shady considering its blasted on thier site, yet get the bag and GFY basically.
nothing bad with it so far, just be aware if you dont have a drip or hydro rig you prob gonna have to do some amending/ or pick something else from their line because
1. their web
2. their catalog
3.on their actual bag
all there have similar but diff. wording and reworded (point is 3 diff descriptions of 1 product) i say thats FUBAR (its german:cough
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