Old Reviews buyer B- A-ware: Roots organic Soiless


Badge Hunter
Feb 16, 2013
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as finally get my ro in, and all the research in soil and soil less, and so i settled on this but im doing soil in smart pot and everywhere i looked says can be used as both hydro and trad. method

after it coming in however either they REALLLY SUCK AT MIXING or they mixed way too much perlite in it which i thought was strange, so i flip the bag, and what does it say........ 10% about itself and 90% about how to run it with hydro or drip system, found out this is designed for people with res. or drip system not really for traditional water method, which is really shady considering its blasted on thier site, yet get the bag and GFY basically.

nothing bad with it so far, just be aware if you dont have a drip or hydro rig you prob gonna have to do some amending/ or pick something else from their line because

1. their web
2. their catalog
3.on their actual bag

all there have similar but diff. wording and reworded (point is 3 diff descriptions of 1 product) i say thats FUBAR (its german:cough:)
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Are you talking about Roots "SOILLESS?" 'Cause if so it says HYDROPONIC coco media right on the bag...

Or Roots Original Potting Soil...which I and many others have used just like any other soil (amended with worm castings, and yes, MORE perlite in my case)...and that is the one that gets "blasted" all over the site...

Roots doesn't suck at all...I'd put them up against ANY commercial brand of soil...been using it on and off for a few years now...
Are you talking about Roots "SOILLESS?" 'Cause if so it says HYDROPONIC coco media right on the bag...

Or Roots Original Potting Soil...which I and many others have used just like any other soil (amended with worm castings, and yes, MORE perlite in my case)...and that is the one that gets "blasted" all over the site...

Roots doesn't suck at all...I'd put them up against ANY commercial brand of soil...been using it on and off for a few years now...

i belive you misread my post i wasnt bashing ROOTs Organic as a whole, i dont plan on switching company's, what i was saying was that if you check their web and the catalog they send out they say that it can be used just like regular soil, but when you flip the back of the back and email the company they say that its intended as a drip "media" which goes unmentioned in other literature they provide.

what i was saying is that right from the bag unless you find a way of amending it its a drip style unless you got money to blow on H20. what i was saying is that ill be switching after this use to a diff. soil from them. i hope that this is more clear since there seems to be a trend that every time i post a diff. opinion on something its it taken as a attack/ or bash/troll.
i even wrote " NOTHING BAD WITH IT" as in not what i was expecting according to description.

i didnt make a screen name and put my self out there on AFN to troll or bash and waste my time, or i woulda just lurked as a guest........

i joined to help and get help from what seemed to be a nice fourm where people exchange information for the benefit of all, if i am incorrect in the assessment of AFN, Someone please tell me and I shall disembark
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:peace:I see nothing wrong with your post ,you gave your honest opinion and yes some things were n ot what you expected and you have the right to vent a little.If I use a product that doesnt meet my standards or is really off base from what they say the product is,I also will vent my thoughts about it,call it bashing or what ever you want.Just keep on doing what your doing and you'll be fine.
i belive you misread my post i wasnt bashing ROOTs Organic as a whole, i dont plan on switching company's, what i was saying was that if you check their web and the catalog they send out they say that it can be used just like regular soil, but when you flip the back of the back and email the company they say that its intended as a drip "media" which goes unmentioned in other literature they provide.

what i was saying is that right from the bag unless you find a way of amending it its a drip style unless you got money to blow on H20. what i was saying is that ill be switching after this use to a diff. soil from them. i hope that this is more clear since there seems to be a trend that every time i post a diff. opinion on something its it taken as a attack/ or bash/troll.
i even wrote " NOTHING BAD WITH IT" as in not what i was expecting according to description.

i didnt make a screen name and put my self out there on AFN to troll or bash and waste my time, or i woulda just lurked as a guest........

i joined to help and get help from what seemed to be a nice fourm where people exchange information for the benefit of all, if i am incorrect in the assessment of AFN, Someone please tell me and I shall disembark

I wasn't attacking you...I didn't make a flowery speech, but definitely was not on the attack SpacePope...I'm not here to fight Roots Organics' battles even if you had bashed them...

Just asking which brand of media from them you were using, and chiming in with my own experience/opinion...you have every right not to like a product and say so...

Their basic potting soil isn't a complete soil out of the bag, but what is? If you're using organic nutes, Roots basic potting soil works...seen it many times...sure, it's better amended with worm castings, dolomite lime, and perlite...but I don't know of a complete soil out of the bag, can tell you I've never used or seen one...
SpacePope, please don't be so defensive, no one is attacking anyone in this thread. :dance: I will chime in with my noob experience and root organics soil, it SUCKED as it brought a gnat infestation with it to my house, that has now become a constant battle. Not blaming the soil, just the hydro store and the gnats... Left a bitter taste in my mouth...
Have learned since than, that any soil I use I amend it now with mosquito dunk. I also used ffof and light warrior mix and I liked it. Though, I wanted something more "nuteles". I am now using promix bx. Made the mistake of the first plants I've used with bx not adding perlite, retains to much water. I now mix at a 50/50 with perlite. Will see how that works for me....
Besides the RO not being what you expected did you get it working out for you? Or did you just toss the bag?
Peace an love
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thanks yall:group:, and yes i had to amend it a lil but a Blue Mystic in 5 gal blew up to from barely crowning soil to 3+ in and 4 leafs in >24hours so aside from the ascetics and description they seem to like it very much so, i have a grow journal in NG fourm, i did mix a lil Cheap TS, but add some bact. and fungi and wormcastings and it seems to be doing the trick so far

just realized this is in the wrong place ,moving this to soil,
I saw this thing on U tube n thought of this a few days back. Roots is often known for being a pretty solid product and this guy mixed I think it was a bag of Fox Farm Happy Frog with a bag or Roots Organic as well.The fluff n drainage were even better according to him.Hope alls workin out for ya man!
I saw this thing on U tube n thought of this a few days back. Roots is often known for being a pretty solid product and this guy mixed I think it was a bag of Fox Farm Happy Frog with a bag or Roots Organic as well.The fluff n drainage were even better according to him.Hope alls workin out for ya man!
you happend to remember the title, no link please