Indoor Bushmasterar15 growing again

I just couldn't let it be with having the 4th pot empty so after some failed attempts I now have a GSC germ and placed into the pot. Now the wait to see this one pop up hopefully.
Well it's the Canna Blues for me the GSC was starting to pop up but when I went to check this morning she had fell over and turned to mush. Guess it's my time for some problems after having a few good grows. So not sure if I really want to start another seed now to fill the pot as she'll be 2 weeks behind the other three.
Well it's the Canna Blues for me the GSC was starting to pop up but when I went to check this morning she had fell over and turned to mush. Guess it's my time for some problems after having a few good grows. So not sure if I really want to start another seed now to fill the pot as she'll be 2 weeks behind the other three.

Ugh! Sorry, brother! Pop another!!
Well it's the Canna Blues for me the GSC was starting to pop up but when I went to check this morning she had fell over and turned to mush. Guess it's my time for some problems after having a few good grows. So not sure if I really want to start another seed now to fill the pot as she'll be 2 weeks behind the other three.
Leave it, you will grow monsters with the others and fill the space anyhow.:smoking:
Leave it, you will grow monsters with the others and fill the space anyhow.:smoking:
I can't leave stuff alone and germed another. I think I need to open a Worldwide Chapter of Cannabis Growers Anonymous for extra support. I have an addiction to growing. :biggrin:
I can't leave stuff alone and germed another. I think I need to open a Worldwide Chapter of Cannabis Growers Anonymous for extra support. I have an addiction to growing. :biggrin:

High, my name is MedCzech, i am not only a member, but the president of GAA, Growers Anonymous Association. We would love to welcome you into our club.:welcome::pass:

Update for Day 19 MBAP, Northerlights, Trainwreck and day 1 for Tangie. I've turned on the airdomes at day 15 for the first 3 and turned the reservoir day 18. They are on 2 grams per gallon Megacrop, 1 gram per gallon Sweet Candy and 8mls per gallon Earth Juice OilyCann Calmag.
Ok I'm here at day 26 for Mephisto ManBearAlienPig, Seed Stockers Northernlights, Sweet Seeds Trainwreck and day 6 FastBuds Tangie. I've started some leaf tucking and clothespin lst. Everyone is still on the 2 grams Megacrop, 1 gram Sweet Candy 8mls Calmag per gallon. Next res fill will bump up the Megacrop.
So it's been about 10 days of the first three on the reservoir and they've drank up 8 gallons. So mixed up another 8 gallons. I increased the Megacrop to 3 grams per gallon, 1.2 grams Sweet Candy, 8mls OilyCann Calmag per gallon, 1ml DripClean per 10 Liters and trying out some GreenLife Biotics Enhance MC Microbial Chelator at 1ml per gallon.

So far they are looking pretty good but I'm getting a little bit of taco leafs. I have air circulating and temps have been staying 75-80F, with humidity staying 35-40%. I moved up the lights again thinking I might have caused some stress and cut back on the spectrum settings on the KindLed. So we'll see how they respond in the next few days.