Lighting Bunny's Telos Tales

Day 16



Nowhere near biggest but my favourite. great symmetry from the Haze ^


Nice branching from Think Big

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Day 16




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looking super mate dont even see a red stem on a fan leaf i thought thats just what happened under a telos any topping or traing planned or just letting them do there thing ?
I let them go might do a bit of topping on future runs but not this one. Well maybe we could test one MBAP?

Training wise I let them take shape then maybe open them up If I think they need it do a bit of defol then full flower. Laters
Looking lovely there bunny. I agree, the haze looks wikkid how it's growing symmetrically!! Can't wait to see these in full flower :)


Looking lovely there bunny. I agree, the haze looks wikkid how it's growing symmetrically!! Can't wait to see these in full flower [emoji4]


Cheers Dave I can't wait either! I have been doing daily updates but won't be around for a week ! Hopefully it's a jungle when I get back ?

Day 17
They had been drinking(weekly Biosys) and sleeping when I turned up!




MBAP OG has got those Big arse droopy fans. ^


Haze still trucking has that blue Tint to her.^


Think Big still branching out.

See you in a week, well maybe one more update tomorrow!
I also Confirmed the light heights at 80cm For as long as possible. Seems a Sweet spot in this set up. Likely the end of veg/early flower stretch will be closer as the Tent is 1.8m high. Flowering will be from 60cm or closer depending on the final plant heights.
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Day 24

Very happy where we have got to at day 24.Though I keep popping round when they are asleep and droopy after being waterd. So not many good photos this time. I will time it better next week!


This Think Big has plenty of veg left in her. ^ ( photo previous to this is a week ago,to get an idea of growth)


Haze looking poised to stretch ^


Big MBAP ^ perhaps my biggest plant to date so early in the game? These Mephisto's are incredibly fast!


The whole crew ^ even the bonsai in the foreground looks alright. Lol


Power Plant ^ about a week to 10'days behind. Isn't showing as strong growth as the others did? Hopefully she will catch up?

looking very nice in here. i have my eye on these lights.ur really showing what these lights can do so good job. how much heat they give off? do they keep ya tent warm or u gota add extra heat . top work and best of luck. happy growing;)