Ok guys . This is about thread building your own soil . be it 50 liters or 400 liters [ which I do ] There is many ways to do this and they all work and also you will get great pleasure out of growing mighty fine weed . The cost factor to build soil can be a lot less too as nutrient use in the grow comes way down . also a lot less work , The main work load is in building the soil . Which becomes a pleasure as you see the results as time goes by , I made mistakes along the way , but learnt by them , I also had 2 mighty fine mentors - @Waira @Eyes on Fire , another good thing is you never stop learning , Now if you live in a small place you sure as hell can also make you own as all you will do is down size the amounts , I would like to see this thread open to all , The main aim is helping members that are interested into getting started so all you guys with the knowledge could help that would be awesome . Being that I live in Australia they are a lot of things I can't get or are too expensive , this is where you guys in the US come in [ please ] Recipes are another thing some basic ones to full blown , @WildBill has kindly come on board to help out as well and any other member with the knowledge your advise would also be much appreciated . So soil builders lets see what happens .