Indoor [Buddha Seeds Auto Mix] Experiment.


Still dreaming of a perfect grow.
Oct 29, 2015
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Here is 3 Buddha Seeds Plants [strains unknown] all of these are the same age [one is lagging] I also have 2 outdoors as they outgrew my tent. I will be posting more pics tomorow if possible. I am trying to defeminize a female for pollen and breed the plants for seeds [seeds are too expensive] So far I have been spraying the middle one in the picture for 3 days and will continue until it starts to form pollen sacks. who knows maybey i will end up with some new kick ass breed. anyways i will be keeping you guys updated as much as possible and welcome any information and tips on the breeding process as this is my first time. feel free to ask any specifics about this grow. The more the better! Thanks guys and have a great day/night!
You may notice the small one is yellow a bit. I had sprayed it down with Gibberelic Acid to try and boost it's growth. Little too much GA. Please let me know if your experienced with GA.
You may notice the small one is yellow a bit. I had sprayed it down with Gibberelic Acid to try and boost it's growth. Little too much GA. Please let me know if your experienced with GA.
I think it was 50 or 100 ppm of GA