Brown spots and a crumbling leaf

Hey @Waira yeah it is kind of strange, not sure whats going on. The plant seems to growing fine other than the spots, new growth looks far. the tap water is around 8.5 and it seems to be hard water (just from the deposits on the showerhead and faucets etc.), i don't have a TDS/EC meter so i'm not sure how bad it is. My PH meter is about 2 weeks old I calibrated it and it seems to be good. The soild test kit is a few years old (its a Luster leaf rapitest) and basically you match the colors. The chemical PH test seemed to be right on with the digital meter low to mid 6's so I don't think that's the problem. i did NPK tests with chemicals and its a real crap shoot...its hard to match the colors and the only thing it tells you is Depleted, Adequate, or Surplus, not really much help. i did a runoff test and it was good as well 6.7 i think, i did order an accurate 8 probe but haven't rec'd it yet. Thinking of getting a Hanna 9813-6 PH/EC/TDS meter and just be done with it, but I'm having a hard time letting go of the funds to do that :what?:. On the upside, she looks like she's finally hitting puberty:baby:
I'm still wondering if the lights were cooking the leaves through water droplets...but i dont know.
Thanks for the help/info and i'll post a more accurate soil reading once the probe shows up.
oh yeah, 8.5 is nasty hard to get that pH,.. any chance you can cut that tap water with RO/Di, or even self-fill water from those machines at stores? Cumulative inputs of mineral loaded water can start to mess with pH and nute uptake,....
good on the pH's, that's not an issue,...if the run-off was way acidic or basic, we'd at least know there's a problem in there, but it's not- :thumbsup:
.... you know, some of those spots look like older physical damage on leaves when young; as they grow, expand, things can distort, tear, etc.,... if it's not spreading, and new growth is good, let's just see what a few more days brings,... the so called lensing burn is really rare, some say it's a myth,.. I say it can happen, but under very limited conditions... the shape of these blotches doesn't fit that either anyway,...
Things seemed to have fixed themselves, maybe just normal plant things happening. I got the soil meter today and checked it...its right at 6.5 so that's not an issue. plant looks great and is growing like a weed. :smoking:if nothing else whacks out I'll probably ask for some help about when to chop it.
Thanks @Waira @Arthur and @GoAuto6 for chiming in with help and insight, much appreciated!
I have also had problems with tiny brown specs on my 3 week old. My issue is funfus gnats!! Hate them. I have 25 autos in 3 stages. First time grower also. My 2 best looking ones are by far low Ryder and sour gas and diesel.