I just started 7 autos outside on my deck in 3 gallon pots. Strain is 2 Chemdogging, 2 Sour Hound, 2 Heisenberg special and 1 Toofless Alien from mephisto. Actually I had 8 but the DOG ate one! The weather was really nice but now we're going to have rain and colder temps for the next week or so. Would I see much benefit from bringing them in at night and sticking two clamp lights with 23 watt cfls next to them? My indoor grow area is being used and infested with spider mites so bringing them in my kitchen and putting some kind of clamp light on the pots is about my only option I think. I would most likely get a couple clamp lights from walmart and then return them in a couple weeks... I already have enough of those damn things!!