
autopot rocker
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
Hello AFN! :pass:Testing out a PlatinumLed P300!!:headbang: I would first like to thank PlatinumLED for the opportunity to test their gear and give it a solid run and see what she's got. The test kit is as follows...
Light- PlatinumLED P300(180actual watts)
Tent-Apollo Horticulture 2' x 4' x 5' but only running 2 plants directly under the LED
pots-plastic 3 gallon grow bags x 2
Medium-Kindsoil on the bottom with a topping of Humboldt Mix soil less medium
Water- Tap Water ph'd between 6.3-6.8 as per Kindsoil instructions
Ph buffer- Earthjuice ph down natural crystals
Seeds-Fastbuds Pineapple Express
Filter-Phresh 4 inch with a Hurricane extraction fan. Clip fan for air movement inside the tent.
I'll be germing the seeds tonight in rapid rooters on the wifi and will fill the bags tomorrow and and get a shot of the complete setup, with beans in their final home. Here are some pics of the unboxing of the light and a few modifications I made. Any questions or comments, dont be afraid to ask! Lets do this!!!:cheers:

The Unboxing...

Overall thoughts are that this led is well made, bright as can be and ready for a few plants! There is one issue I have and it is NOT with the panel at all. Its the hardware that comes with it. Looking like a foot(12" or better) with the hanging hardware and that makes it difficult in a 5 foot tent, as far as vertical height is concerned. I Dont like running out of room and like a little buffer, just in case you get a freak of nature plant, that turns into a beaster! So I scrapped the hanging kit that came with the panel and used some heavy duty picture hanging wire and modified to save me about 10 inches off the stock gear. Check it out...
Original Hanger that came with the light...

The Modification...

Again, if you have any questions or comments, go ahead and ask away!:thumbsup: Hope you all enjoy what you see and this whole setup is new(except the tent and fans) so I hope we have a good show for Platinum and you fine members of AFN! You have now entered....The CannaZone!!:eyebrows:
For reducing the headspace of this light someone suggested to me that I get a threaded bar small enough to go through the hanger and long enough to reach all the way through the other hanger. Then you can thread on two bolts to the center of the rod and then add two end cap bolts to each end. The two bolts in the center allow you to adjust where you want the hanger to attach without it sliding on the bar.
For reducing the headspace of this light someone suggested to me that I get a threaded bar small enough to go through the hanger and long enough to reach all the way through the other hanger. Then you can thread on two bolts to the center of the rod and then add two end cap bolts to each end. The two bolts in the center allow you to adjust where you want the hanger to attach without it sliding on the bar.

That sounds like it may be similar to how I hung my two P150's. I used some electrical conduit, ran a couple eyehole bolts throgh that to hang it, the hung the lights off it. I was able to fiddle with the stock hangers by wrapping them multiple times around the bar to shorten them up.

Thanks @PlatinumLEDTom!! Looking forward to it as well and Thank You for all you do and appreciate the opportunity! I dropped 3 Fastbuds Pineapple Express in rooters on the wifi and 24 hours later they are up!! Fastest germ I have ever seen! Getting things potted up and the LED should be fired up tomorrow on these ladies!
Week 1 update!! How's everyone doing today? Ladies are at week 1 and all is good in the tent, except the heat! 81*F in the tent and things should cool off a bit, in the upcoming weeks. Love the led and I have the 2 plants right under the center of the light in the 2 x 4 all to them selves!! I will get the rest of the shots in natural light. I forgot, with this camera, that the lights on shots make my eyes hurt!!:thumbsup::cools: On to some pics...