Indoor Briman grows Stones and Dragons

I know right im in there every time I walk past the tent LOL
The woman that lets me live with her, tolerates my growing, but requires my services else where. She works full time, also 5 nights a week on-line college student. So that leaves me to work, do the cooking, cleaning, taking care of 2 dogs and other things. I could pop in daily if I really wanted to, but I just have too much going on with her schedule, and I have a grandson that take care of, while the daughter works nights, 3 days a week at a hospital. So, yeah, I'm a busy camper!! It will die down around Christmas for a month, then back at it til spring, then down time during summer and back to this crappy schedule next fall. But hey, family does for the benefit of family!
I understand how that is I have 4 kids and a full time job I am off now untill spring. But I will work (Already start the new job monday) untill the last week before i start back to my normal job LOL rinse and repeat.
Time for a dragon update. Temps are great and humidity is a bit low at 28%. Going to throw a damp towel on the tent floor and that should help. Looking at week 4 for the SD's, S99 and the cheesus and week 2 for the ESDK's. A little preflower and some stretching going on. I upped the feed for all and should get some good explosive growth in the next weeks. Any questions or comments? picture time..
DSC_0001.jpgDSC_0002.jpgStone Dragons
DSC_0004.jpgDSC_0005.jpgtwo Cheesus, 1 pot! Both fem, what should I do? transplant the smaller one? or can I grow them out in the same pot?
DSC_0008.jpgThe whole family

RE: Cheesus - I have wondered about this I have 2 Multipot Dragons going.

I don't know about root bind, but it seems like you could grow them both out in the same pot and just prune the inner stuff as needed
for space and light penetration...IDK specifically though.

It may be the case that with these Dragons anyway, that their smaller stature is conducive to allowing it. :)

Try it and lead the way! (for me anyway, if I get 2 females.)

RE: Cheesus - I have wondered about this I have 2 Multipot Dragons going.

I don't know about root bind, but it seems like you could grow them both out in the same pot and just prune the inner stuff as needed
for space and light penetration...IDK specifically though.

It may be the case that with these Dragons anyway, that their smaller stature is conducive to allowing it. :)

Try it and lead the way! (for me anyway, if I get 2 females.)

Nothing small about these dragons Trapper, look at the first one I grew out in my signature!! She was a beast and the heaviest nuggets I've ever grown!

What size pot are those dragons in dude?
5 gallon EZ roots felt pots with the frames.
Ti do alot of multi-pots with her and usualy one will dominate the other and so on down the line depending on hpw many there is.....
The first one is about 8-9 days older, so I'm goiing to take the small one and transplant her ever so gently into another pot tomorrow afternoon then. I want me some Cheesus! Yes sir! Cheesus if you please!:grin:
I was going to say with a 5 gallon to leave em both in. I have never used larger than a 3 gallon. But then I don't get half pound yields either. Or even 1/4 pounds yet. YET!