Indoor BR549's Kind Soil I.H.O.P.R.T.F.A.F. Grow...

This is the part where I think years of growing comes in, knowing how to read those signs properly to time it bang on for the effect your after... but your right the "that bud looks like it belongs in a jar" method will do for now.
So much to learn...I figure I will be the bud growing motherfucker in about thirty years. Unfortunately, I'm almost sixty...
Last shot of the Daiquiri Lime (day 88). I wanted another day or two, the leaves decided that this was enough, and gave up. As you can see, I trimmed all the yellow leaves off and...

Guess I might as well cut her down; she's already trimmed! :biggrin:
145.0 gm wet weight, plus another 14.8 of fluff. Nothing impressive, but for this grow, a miracle result! And buds that I'll be able to show you when they dry rather than pretend they didn't happen...
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Last shot of the Daiquiri Lime (day 88). I wanted another day or two, the leaves decided that this was enough, and gave up. As you can see, I trimmed all the yellow leaves off and...

Guess I might as well cut her down; she's already trimmed! :biggrin:

@BR549 can't see the pic, must not have uploaded. Love to have seen her before she got the axe.
That weird, still can't see it. Did you up load from phone or laptop ?
I think its my end, it looks like my VPN does not like this page, taking her time loading...I'm gonna swap IP's and see if that makes a difference.