Indoor BR549's Kind Soil I.H.O.P.R.T.F.A.F. Grow...

If anyone here has followed my previous threads, you know I struggle with the "when is day one" question. Well, I have finally been presented with an argument that changed my position. Grape Crinkle and Daiquiri Lime popped up on Halloween, Blackberry Kush on the first, and Lemon Haze today. Typing things like "Day 14/15/16" would drive me nuts; I'm going with the seed drop as day one. Sorry if this causes confusion...
I may have to let that be my guiding approach. I just yanked the Grape Crinkle and planted another seed, so the seed drop date is now dubious as well. Fortunately, it's the quickest strain of the three, so it'll probably still beat the others. The plant had lovely cotyledons (if I'm remembering the word right), but absolutely no sign of any "real" leaves. Nothing. Can't have that...
Our story so far...

The new Grape Crinkle hasn't popped up yet (should be tomorrow I think), but the others are doing fine. I sure will be glad when they get bigger and more photogenic; posting " I poured water on them" isn't going to be very exciting...
Things are going smoothly so far, although the Daiquiri Lime worries me a bit; it's not really the "right color", although it's getting better than it was at the start. I checked other grows of this strain and saw nothing like this, so who knows. As long as it's improving, I guess I won't worry about it.

Close up of the Daiquiri Lime:

One positive about this grow: I can now spell daiquiri without looking it up!
It's somewhere around the two week mark except for the Grape Crinkle which is at about...oh, screw it. Here's a photo.

I figure there's not much to talk about, so I'd better keep the camera active. I think the Lemon Haze is a showoff...
Very nice. And by very nice I mean both nice AND a set up that I could do, lol.

Next time around will be my evil twin sisters second time indoor. Last time was a 3x3 tent with hempy pots in it. And a few photoperiod outdoors in airpots with coasters. Her plan for next time is pretty much exactly what you have going on.
Okay, we're just shy of three weeks now (or just over two for the Grape Crinkle), so things should start hopping, although the Lemon Haze seems to be jumping the gun a bit. The Daiquiri Lime has signs of a deficiency (can't find my handy downloaded chart; I think it's one of the "M" ones. Durrr....) but it hasn't repeated on later leaves, so hopefully it'll do okay. I'm thinking I should have replaced that seed when I replaced the Grape Crinkle; the plant has been struggling since the start. I'd blame me, but the other three are doing just fine.