We'll be sure to increase your royalty checks, TBM! Thank you for the welcome and your advocacy. I've been hearing that 62% for herbal is another world from even 65. Give those a whirl next time!
Anybody have experience with the 65 vs the 62? I would think 62 for long term for sure, maybe the 65 for smokables keep them nice and sticky? Original post said the 65 keeps RH at 60-63, I wouldn't want much lower....would I?
tav, yes a lot of people out here have used the 65 % . works well! i like my cannabis at the 62% range, it's personal preference. anyone that has quantity of bud on hand, that know's it will be stored, should use these pak's:dance:and you can rest easy with the knowledge that your bud is taken care of.:smokebuds:dont waste them unless you really need them.
I had some email correspondence with Charles Rutherford II of Boveda inc....here is some of the info I got
We do make and distribute a 32% in an 8 gram version and 45-55% in 60 gram. The medical cannabis market is growing fast here in the US and the 62% formula we developed specifically for it, after extensive lab testing, has had explosive growth.
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