Bottom Feeding

Interesting. I've bottom fed lots of other plants outside = peppers and such and it's just easier. I've always been meaning to do a butt-chug grow in the tent. Never have. Always figured it would work like the "working man's" autopot.
Yeah bro the reason I don’t need use auto pots is because I like to get better and better with hand watering. Auto pots kinda take the guess work out and makes it a lot easier. But, I’m really considering building some DIY auto pot even if it’s just one pot and do a scrog. My issue is space mainly otherwise I’d have tried a two autopot grow
Yeah bro the reason I don’t need use auto pots is because I like to get better and better with hand watering. Auto pots kinda take the guess work out and makes it a lot easier. But, I’m really considering building some DIY auto pot even if it’s just one pot and do a scrog. My issue is space mainly otherwise I’d have tried a two autopot grow

I like to hand water too, but have to admit that autopots are appealing to me sometimes.

I'm not an expert on autopots, but seems like there are some issues? I have a buddy who uses them and he almost always had a lockout/deficiency issue. We decided that he should try cutting way back on his Floraflex dose. He is just starting that grow now. Since they are constantly being fed, we theorized that they were just uptaking too much. So he lowered his auto feed schedule by half. And cut out any additives (recharge, etc).

I could be 100% talking out of my ass. But food for thought in case you see an issue.
I like to hand water too, but have to admit that autopots are appealing to me sometimes.

I'm not an expert on autopots, but seems like there are some issues? I have a buddy who uses them and he almost always had a lockout/deficiency issue. We decided that he should try cutting way back on his Floraflex dose. He is just starting that grow now. Since they are constantly being fed, we theorized that they were just uptaking too much. So he lowered his auto feed schedule by half. And cut out any additives (recharge, etc).

I could be 100% talking out of my ass. But food for thought in case you see an issue.
Nah ure right bro. They build up salts quick and it leads to lock out but if you cut back on the ppms like you said, the plant will consume it and leave nothing behind. What id do with autopots is run them on lower ppms, then clear the res and run a flush through them for a day, at the end of the week or every two weeks. That should prevent build up for sure. I’ve ran into some foxtailing on my brucey. I spotted it like a week late sadly because I’ve been too busy, but raised my lights. I would love to pop a blackstrap auto, I need to get my hands on some beans somehow. After I seen yours it has been stuck in my “Strains I need to grow” bank lol
Something to note is that you can easily overfeed doing this btw. My 3Wok had a rough time because I snapped her when I was stressed the hell out one day. Top tip incoming... never train or touch them when you’re stressed. They feel it off you and don’t respond so well. I’ve been talking to jammy dodgers and guiding her through her training and she never ever snaps. Any time I talk to them as weird as it sounds, they let me do what I ask of them. But yeah 3Wok is showing me some odd leafs, it’s from nitrogen toxicity. My feed was too strong for her but her buds are stacking nicely and no sign of spotting or def’s. Just go a bit easier on the feeds with bottom feeding. I gave her 5L top feed today just to check her ppms and ppms were at 400-460. Now that’s in range for me, so she has been consuming what I give her. I just need to drop my base feed back by 0.5ml I reckon and she won’t get toxicity. Happy growing peeps :smoking:
Nah ure right bro. They build up salts quick and it leads to lock out but if you cut back on the ppms like you said, the plant will consume it and leave nothing behind. What id do with autopots is run them on lower ppms, then clear the res and run a flush through them for a day, at the end of the week or every two weeks. That should prevent build up for sure. I’ve ran into some foxtailing on my brucey. I spotted it like a week late sadly because I’ve been too busy, but raised my lights. I would love to pop a blackstrap auto, I need to get my hands on some beans somehow. After I seen yours it has been stuck in my “Strains I need to grow” bank lol

I could've done a way better job on this current Blackstrap. But I made it a point to be way more hands off, as an experiment, this grow. I think if I stuck to my normal method, I could've got her about 50% bigger at a minimum. She foxtailed a bit on me too. Which is odd. I haven't had foxtail in a pretty long time and when I do, it is usually in the summer.

In my defense, I did have my 320W driver go down so I had to swap in my 480W and dial it down. Maybe that had something to do with it. Though the Mango Smile didn't mind. Side note - Atreum did just send me a replacement 320 Mean Well. So I will swap that back in before the next run.
I could've done a way better job on this current Blackstrap. But I made it a point to be way more hands off, as an experiment, this grow. I think if I stuck to my normal method, I could've got her about 50% bigger at a minimum. She foxtailed a bit on me too. Which is odd. I haven't had foxtail in a pretty long time and when I do, it is usually in the summer.

In my defense, I did have my 320W driver go down so I had to swap in my 480W and dial it down. Maybe that had something to do with it. Though the Mango Smile didn't mind. Side note - Atreum did just send me a replacement 320 Mean Well. So I will swap that back in before the next run.
I had foxtailing on Bruce banner but I managed to adjust the light in time I think. Spotted it quickly thankfully. Foxtailing seems to happen when they get too much light or too much heat. I’ve had it happen twice before. You can only push so much light without co2 supplement. I was blasting them with light and ended up seeing some spotting and so on. I believe I corrected it. I’m in my 6th week of flower right now and can’t wait for them to finish. Hoping for 6-7oz per plant minimum. I’ve just switched them to overdrive but heard it can cause foxtailing too. I’ve only used it once before so I’m a tad concerned in case it screws them over. Suggested dose is 2ml per litre. I fed 1.5ml bloom and 1.5ml overdrive. Came to around 580ppm. If I notice any symptoms then I will dial back the base feed I reckon. It’s a bit of a pain to “time” it with overdrive using autoflowers. One because you don’t know how long they need to spend in flower. It’s recommended two weeks before flush so I’m just gonna keep up the overdrive until week 8 then flush in week 9 I think...
I had foxtailing on Bruce banner but I managed to adjust the light in time I think. Spotted it quickly thankfully. Foxtailing seems to happen when they get too much light or too much heat. I’ve had it happen twice before. You can only push so much light without co2 supplement. I was blasting them with light and ended up seeing some spotting and so on. I believe I corrected it. I’m in my 6th week of flower right now and can’t wait for them to finish. Hoping for 6-7oz per plant minimum. I’ve just switched them to overdrive but heard it can cause foxtailing too. I’ve only used it once before so I’m a tad concerned in case it screws them over. Suggested dose is 2ml per litre. I fed 1.5ml bloom and 1.5ml overdrive. Came to around 580ppm. If I notice any symptoms then I will dial back the base feed I reckon. It’s a bit of a pain to “time” it with overdrive using autoflowers. One because you don’t know how long they need to spend in flower. It’s recommended two weeks before flush so I’m just gonna keep up the overdrive until week 8 then flush in week 9 I think...

Yes, that is why I will generally only see foxtail in summer if I see it. Gets hotter in the tent here, even indoors. Unless you want to have a $1000 electric bill. Which I don't.

Could be a number of things. Personally I'm not gonna sweat it too much. But I was very busy for a portion of this grow and not quite as attentive as I normally am to things. Had to find a compromise between the Mango Smile and Black Strap and it is what it is. I will regrow BS and do it better.