Seed Stockers Boradan's easy (HA!) RDWC Blackberry Gum with tea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


We don't need no stinking Badges!
Oct 27, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dinafem Critical+ 2.0, Seedstockers BCN Critical XXL
After having to terminate my Seedstockers Battle plant due to it being a mutant :poof:, I decided to spend a few days fixing a few issues I had come across with my system:

I didn't like the clear airlines letting light into the tank, so I have replaced them with black ones.

I had to turn my recirculating pump down due to the recycling being too slow, so I added an additional 19mm tube to go along side the 12mm tube I had already installed.

I added a wall-mounted watt-meter to my COB to give me an easier, immediate read on my usage - it also tracks the electricity usage so I can see the exact cost of running the light :D

The biggest change though is that I have decided NOT to chase water temperatures any more, and instead will use some Heisenberg tea in the system instead.
I had been using Great White as a beneficial, without realising that beneficials perform much better at approximately 23C (73.5F), so by trying to keep the water under 19C (best for dissolved Oxygen), I was actually limiting the growth and function of the beneficials.

Lets get this show on the road with some information:

Essential DWC Equipment:
measuring equipment.JPG

From left to right:
  • KCL storage solution for the pH meter
  • pH Buffer 7 & 4 for calibrating the pH meter
  • Bluelab pH meter and EC/ppm meter
  • CF Calibration fluid for the EC meter
  • pH down and pH up for controlling the pH of the nutrient solution
I also have a 3ml pipette and a couple of 10ml syringes along with a 100ml syringe to use as needed.
In addition, I have a waterproof temperature sensor for the Water (d'uh)


  • Greenleaf Megacrop 2.0
  • Greenleaf CalMag Pro
  • Greenleaf Sweet Candy
  • Greenleaf Bud Explosion
  • Epsom Salts
  • Vitalink Silicon Max
  • Root!T Rooting Gel
Before I terminated my mutant grow, I had noticed a magnesium deficiency, so I got the Epsom Salts just in case, but I may not need it
The MegaCrop 2.0 has increased Calcium, Magnesium and Silicon, so I may not need those either, but better safe than sorry.

Heisenberg Tea:

I will be making the tea with the following:
  • Plagron 'Mega Worm' worm castings
  • Meridian Pure Cane Molasses (unsulfured)
  • Plant Success Great White - That shit is expensive, so future batches will be made using Plant Works Root Grow (Hydro). 400g of this is the same price as 28g of Great White and contains similar Beneficials (Mycorrhizae and Beneficial Bacteria)

root grow hydro.jpg

Germination is in an unheated propagator using a Root!t sponge, some Root!t rooting gel and a little Great White.
As soon as she breaks free of the sponge, she will be moved into her final home.


The equipment:
75 litre tote with 2 drainage hoses, an input hose, a level indicator and 4 airlines (each running a 4" airstone). There have also been a crapton of self-adhesive hooks stuck to the lid for LST and glued down thoroughly with a hot-melt glue gun. The lid was then sprayed white for some reflectivity for lower branches. The input hose has an inline filter and a T-Piece so that I can also use the recirculating pump to drain the system.
5 Watt submersible pump for recirculating the water.
Inkbird Humidity Controller connected to a RAM humidifier - no dehumidifier fitted yet as high RH is not an issue.
Inkbird Temperature Controller connected to a 2kW oil heater - no cooler needed in Ireland ;)
Self-built 150Watt COB (adjustable) plugged in to a Watt Meter.
4" RAM extractor fan with Carbon filter - this filter has done 2 grows now, so I have a spare in case it reaches end-of-life during the grow.
2 Digital timers for the COB and the Heater - I want the temp to drop slightly during lights off and the thermal mass of the water in the tote should stop the tent getting too cool.
Boyu Low Noise SES-30-1800 Litre per hour Air Pump for the tote.
600 Litre per hour Air Pump for the Heisenberg Tea.
200 Litre per hour Air Pump for Aerating the water before adding Nutes.
There are also about a dozen plant yo-yo's hanging from the tent frame just in case I get a monster :D


full tote.JPG


Before starting, the system was run through with an H2O2 flush and rinsed.
All Airstones have been soaked in H2O2, rinsed, boiled for about 2 hours and then dried out by running Air through them overnight.

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Germination Time

1 Seedstockers Blackberry Gum has been planted straight into a Root!t sponge along with some Root!t Rooting Gel and a dab of Great White.
The sponge was sprayed down with some Remo Velokelp at 1ml per litre.
It was then placed into an unheated propagator to do it's thing...

Tea Time
Just for @archie gemmill

The tea has been started off with the following:

Approximately 2 gallons of water that had been aerated for a few days.
30ml of Unsulfured Molasses
2 handfulls of Plagron Earthworm Castings
2 teaspoons of Great White

It has been running for about 18 hours now and is bubbling nicely.

You can see 1 airline in the picture, but there is also another one going into the sock with a 'Golf ball' Airstone (at least this sock is ok... the first one I used had a damned hole in it :face:)
After I took the picture though, I added the 4 Airstones from my tank and turned on the bad boy pump.
This will allow the Airstones I will be using in the tank to be a 'housing' for the beneficials and thus enable a better transition into the main tank when the seed pops :D