Grow Room Bonzai Bitches


Feb 7, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Seedstockers AK420
hi troops. hope you are all doing well. ive been scoping about this site and stumbled onto the "solo cup challenge". it got me thinking, how small can you go? can you grow in a shot glass? i always figured a plant in a 500ml pot would die but one guy i seen managed over 3oz in one. so ive decided to start my own experiments.

my first attempt will be an origional seeds- sensible cheese. she will be planted into a 200ml tub filled with soil and fed with tomato plant nutrient wich turns out to be NPK + a load of other doing hydro this time so dont really have any suitable nutes and dont want her to get to any reasonable size anyway as its just a bit of fun for me this time. ill update her status once a week or so and hope some of you would like to join in too. make mini bubble buckets, shot glass aeroponics, whatever you want. if you know how to do it then get creative. its all for shits and giggles so if it doesnt work it doesnt work. growing can be stressfull at times so ive decided to put some extra fun back into it. i know youve all got spare seeds lying about so go on, give it a bash. prizes will be awarded in the form of bragging rights and virtual high fives. you might even earn a few rep slaps here and there. get involved folks. lets see what you can do!
Sounds interesting and fun, I just may give it a go!
I accidentally germed an extra seed for the pots I have, so if they all sprout it's a go. I have a really small bong that I can use, just drill out a few holes and I'm set LOL:pass:
My experiment is officially started. 1x origional seeds- sensible cheese.....hmm just checked the email as realised it didnt say "auto" and tbh still dont know but theyre only £42 for 25 of them so not hoping for much lol. it was a freebie anyway. i'll crack my gorilla glue in a couple days once i suss what i want to do with it. the cheese is in a 250ml tuna mayo tub with holes poked in the bottom. put the seed sharp side up, straight into the compost.wrapped it in a towel and left it in my tent. never tried it this way but it should work. im 14 for 14 with wet paper towel/ baggy in the cupboard method but the theory of dark/moist/warm/humid is sound so feeling good.
@guerillagrower#65 i started a thread for them mate.
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My experiment is officially started. 1x origional seeds- sensible cheese.....hmm just checked the site as realised it didnt say auto and tbh still dont know but theyre only £42 for 25 of them so not hoping for much lol. i'll crack my gorilla glue in a couple days once i suss what i want to do with it. the cheese is in a 250ml tuna mayo tub with holes poked in the bottom. put the seed sharp side up straight into the compost, wrapped it in a towel and left it in my tent. never tried it this way but it should work. im 14 for 14 with wet paper towel/ baggy in the cupboard method but the theory of dark/moist/warm/humid is sound so feeling good :)
Im just going out to get a tub of tuna mayo i will be joining u [emoji111]

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Alright count me in for the bonzai bitches shits and giggles experiment.
Here's the pot, not sure how many ml but it's small.
Gonna run a Mephisto White Train, seeds going in soil tonight.

All aboard the Bonsai White Train, destination unknown:smoking:
haha id almost forgot about this thread. time for a wee update...
day 23 and ive decided to call her mrs miagi. her life so far has not been the prettiest. i accidentally fed her 1500ppm nutes from the wrong bucket at about the 12 day mark. she recovered though so ive now topped her and removed the first set of knackered leaves. starting to see that she needs some nutes now though so gonna get ger started on a light diet of tamato plant NPK, calmag and brassinolide.
all my other nutes are for hydro so thats about all shel be getting till flower time.
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Alright count me in for the bonzai bitches shits and giggles experiment.
Here's the pot, not sure how many ml but it's small.
Gonna run a Mephisto White Train, seeds going in soil tonight.

All aboard the Bonsai White Train, destination unknown:smoking:

welcome aboard nebs ! hows your wee experiment comming along buddy?