Bomb Seeds Bombs Incoming!! Please post your favorite bomb pics

Hi All,

Thank you all so much for your interest in some pre-release testers. While AFN was down we had to make a few changes to what we had planned to launch with and also look for testers on. We had initially planned to launch 2 new autos and a couple of photos later in the year, but we will now be launching 1 auto and 1 photo.
So thank you again, but if i can ask for all those that expressed an interest to specify if they will be looking to test the autoflower, or the photo (or both) so we can get these out to you lovely people!


I’m in for an Auto! Thanks @BombSeeds !!
Hi All,

Thank you all so much for your interest in some pre-release testers. While AFN was down we had to make a few changes to what we had planned to launch with and also look for testers on. We had initially planned to launch 2 new autos and a couple of photos later in the year, but we will now be launching 1 auto and 1 photo.
So thank you again, but if i can ask for all those that expressed an interest to specify if they will be looking to test the autoflower, or the photo (or both) so we can get these out to you lovely people!

Yes autoflower please. Thanks Dan
I would do a photo im fixing to Run photos only grow soon.
Big Bomb auto 60ish days
I'd run both if given an opportunity thanks Dan
If I were to try a strain or two for good sleep, what strains should I try.
I can't tell from the Bomb website what the %Indica/Sativa guesses are.