must say the packaging and pics make me wanna buy Bomb so great job cuz besides for dorrito tacos I don't usually fall into marketing
ummm tacos


i gotta try some whats the most redick size to time one ya got and whats the most redick tasting one ya got
this would be veg inside to transfer outside

my state is legit and I can sleep with them so I want big sexy bombs

that thc bomb reg seed might have to try would that do say if I vegged from mid dec inside?


inside to outside would like done pre aug1st

regular seeds
low cbd
high thc
north east usa oct 15th is cut off
from sept 21st to oct 15th I can cover
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Hello @BombSeeds I saw the sticky for testing new strains but no post in the thread. If you will have me I would be glad to test some new strains.