Bomb Seeds Bomb Seeds - THC Bomb Auto - Frogster Grow - 2019 Grow Battle

Update Day 45

I took a couple of pics yesterday, but, the weather is not conducive to removing the plants from the tent for a better photo.

Buds are set now and will soon be starting to fatten.

Bomb plant 1 (my Battle Plant) is doing well, and the twins are also pulling through, but a bit behind the main plant.

Repositioned the lights, and on we go....

Plant 1 Day 45 B.jpg

Plant 1 Day 45.jpg

Temps, Rh% & VPD all on target (or close enough).



Update - Day 48

Just a couple of pics taken for today's [HASHTAG]#cannabisprideparade[/HASHTAG] event.

The tent is full making it harder to get good photos.

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So, these pics will have to do.

Plant 1, is doing well, recovering from a mild "Spider Mite" attack.

First stages of fatten now starting, looks like it will be a good structured plant, with some nice bud.

Plant 1 Day 48.jpg

Plant 1 Day 48 bud.jpg

Plant 2 "The Twins"

She/It/Them (The Twins) pulled through the tough start and have reached flowering.

I have kept her growing as she is a 1 in 10,000 plant and she is responsible for an overcrowded tent.

But she is gonna give me something back, by the look of her.

Plant 2 Day 48 A.jpg

Plant 2 Day 48 B.jpg


"Twin Update - Day 58"

"The Twin" is joined below the soil surface, 2 main stems from 1 seed, the stems could not be separated, without killing one.

All the opinions/indications were that at some point the more dominant stem of the twin would overshadow the smaller, and either just 1 would survive, or nothing would really become of either of them.

But, I am a "Persistent Bastard" and wanted to see what I could do, so I managed to keep her/them alive.

Well, I am happy to say, she/they are now rewarding me.


Today, I took a "Mid level" Nug, to do my normal "How Close to Flush/Chop Test"

Both parts of the Twin look to be developing well, considering what they have been through.

Frosting up nice, another week, then onto Ph'd water to finish.... I reckon I will harvest some very nice "Prime" bud from both parts of the twin.




Looking at the bud under the microscope, we see this....

Loads of Trics, all starting to get some nice helmet heads and just about starting to turn.

Yeah.... 2 weeks will about do it.... but I may have to delay her another week to coincide with the harvest of the other plants in the tent.



In to the drawer she goes..... 3 or 4 days paper bag dry.... Test smoke.


@BombSeeds@CannaZone Tier 1@CannaZone Tier 2@CannaZone Tier 3@Mossy
Update Day 60

As I have already said, the tent is full, space is at a premium.

Tent Day 60.jpg

When your tent is overcrowded, problems appear and sometimes remain hidden.

A lot can happen in 2 Days.

A localised problem with spider mite developed in plant 2 (The Twins).

Well to be precise, in the weaker stem of the twin that is... "Plant 2".

The stem and leaves on it, were starting to wilt and fail.

Under the microscope, I could see spider mites.

Radical action required... I have no separate area to quarantine her, so I decided to remove the localised area of attack on the plant

I cut back that stem to below the infected area and a bit beyond..

I want to try the least drastic approach first, and see if the following may "hold back the tide" (so to speak).

So, I added extra spider mite predators and sticky traps, with string leading from the plant to the trap (spider mites climb).

This will not eradicate them totally, but I hope reduce them sufficiently to allow me to get to the end of the grow (around 2 weeks)

I will closely monitor the rest of the plant and tent, if the spider mites spread to the rest of the plant....

And, the situation deteriorates, I will take her down early, she is not in the battle and there is usable bud on her.

Plant 2 (the Twins)
Plant 2 twin Day 60.jpg

On the other hand... Her sister (Plant 1), my "Battle Plant", is doing very well, or so I think....

She sits next to her poorly sister in the tent, but unaffected by the spider mite problem (just the odd one), but there is evidence that the "predators" on this plant and the other 4 plants, are at work and on top of it !

Happy with her and the way she is shaping up, some very nice large, sticky buds on her, and she is filling out nicely.

Two weeks before the chop I think, reducing feed this next week, and final week of water only.

THC Plant 1 Day 60.jpg

Below is a pic of a lower level bud, taken yesterday on Day 59.

Even down in the lower levels of the plant, the popcorn buds are frosting up, and will be usable.

Day 59 A.jpg


@CannaZone Tier 1 @CannaZone Tier 2 @CannaZone Tier 3 @BombSeeds

Outstanding work there @Frogster. I am really pleased to hear the twins made it, even if they have now had to have the chop. Spider mites are a real pain in the ass but it sounds like you are staying on top of the little buggers!

The twin is still alive.... well most of her (check out the update below).

Update Day 68

We are on the final stage of the grow.

The battle plant (Plant 1) has turned into a MONSTER plant, big heavy Colas, she looks about ready for the meds I want from her.

The problem with growing different strains at the same time is there has to be some compromise as I need to chop them all at the same time.

The tent is dual purpose and used to dry the plants, I also need to clean and set it up for the next leg.

So,all the plants in the tent have now been put on a "No Feed" week of Ph'd Water, prior to all of them getting the chop next week.

The leaves are starting to turn, she is not the prettiest plant I have grown. But she is tall, fat and sticky, I am happy she will produce a very good haul.

THC Plant 1 Day 68.jpg

THC Plant 1 Day 68 Bud.jpg

Plant 2 (The Twins) recovered well from having a limb semi amputated.

The spider mite problem has been managed and reduced to low numbers.... The predators are doing their job.

She is actually producing some very nice frosty bud, but a much smaller plant than her sister.

THC Plant 2 Day 68.jpg

THC Plant 2 Day 68 Bud.jpg


@CannaZone Tier 1@CannaZone Tier 2@CannaZone Tier 3@BombSeeds
Update (Chop Day) Day 74

Pics taken on day 74, and posted today (been busy with other plants etc).

Well, "Looking Good" I think.... She has turned out to be a "VERY BIG GIRL"

Standing at 59 inches from soil to top, with lots of very heavy, large, sticky buds.

Only one downside.... She is a "Bitch" to trim, but Hey Ho, it is what it is !

Rough trimmed in the photos below, before cutting her at the base and hung upside down (intact) slow drying.

I anticipate this girl will give me a record dry harvest weight, but it will be at least another week before the buds are separated out, then another days dry before they will see the burping jars




@CannaZone Tier 1, @CannaZone Tier 2 , @CannaZone Tier 3 , @BombSeeds

