Bomb Seeds Bomb Seeds - THC Bomb Auto - Frogster Grow - 2019 Grow Battle

Are the twins struggling in terms of height or total size? Does the double structure make up for it in terms of total biomass? I would be interested to see how far below the surface the divide is or if they actually don't share (much) root system?
Are the twins struggling in terms of height or total size? Does the double structure make up for it in terms of total biomass? I would be interested to see how far below the surface the divide is or if they actually don't share (much) root system?

Hi, Thanks for taking a look.

The Twins are noticeably smaller in both height and width, they do not have the equivalent biomass as the other THC Bomb Auto plant.

I would say they are about 60% in size / biomass, compared to the other one I am growing.

As you know, I have a tent full of other battle plants (different strains - all same birth date).... The twins are definitely the smallest out of all 7 plants in this grow.

I agree, the root system is indeed of interest, but I have decided not to investigate below ground until harvest (or failure), I want to give them every chance without potentially hindering growth via root damage..

Will update regularly. maybe get in there and snap some pics tomorrow

Update Day 19

Managed to sneak a few photos in today after all.

Tomorrow, Plant 1 (along with others in the tent) will get their training cages fitted and maybe a bit of LST.

Plant 1 has a touch of leaf curl (Wind Burn), but nothing I am worried about at present, she will grow past it..

Lights:- Autocobs 3500k (1 per plant - 30" height, with reflectors)
Schedule:- 20 hrs on / 4 hrs off
Actual Temps:- Constant 27c/25c Day & Night (Night temps will be reduced at around week 4)
Actual Rh:- Constant 60% (will keep her around that till mid flower).
Feed:- Ferro Nutrients full range, (Grow A + B, Roots, Crop, Enzyme Plus)
Additives:- Mammoth P, Roots Excelsior, Silicone, Magnesium
Delivery Method:- Via Reservoir and Autopots
Feed Values:- Ph 5.8 & Ec 1.7
VPD:- 1.0 kPa Average

Plant 1 Day 19.jpg

Plant 2 Day 19.jpg


Update - Day 22

Training Cages have been fitted to all the battle plants including these two THC Bomb's.

They will start LST later today, and maybe a bit of Defoliation as required.

Plant 1 is doing well, has a nice structure and will train well I think.

Currently under a single Autocob at 55W. This will change as time goes on... but for now this is doing the job well.

Plant 1 Day 22.jpg

Plant 2 (pic below) are "The Twins" - "Pinky & Perky" they are not doing so well....

Although, both are still growing, just a lot slower.... I have managed to bend "Big Sis" over a little, out the way of the smaller girl.

I also managed to give the smaller plant some additional side lighting (shared an extra cob that was not being used elsewhere).

I angled and directed the light 50/50 between this and another plant in the tent.

Also, I noticed a very little "leaf-tip nute burn" on a couple of leaves. but being on a shared reservoir they have to take what the majority like in the way of Nute mix, E.C., etc.

It is very minor, but showing on 2 other plants as well in the tent so I backed off on the reservoir EC a tad... now sitting at 1.6.

Plant 2 Day 22.jpg

In order to compare different growth etc, I have included a pic (below) of the tent and how it is set up today....

THC Bomb - Plant 1 (front left), is the bigger by far, THC Bomb - Plant 2 "The Twins" is a lot smaller, almost hidden between the two G. S. Cookies on the right side.

All Pots week 4.jpg

Environmental Data
7 x Autocobs 3500k (1 per plant - 30" height, with reflectors) 20 hrs on / 4 hrs off. Wattage Draw:- 55w per plant
Temps:- Constant 27c/25c Day & Night (Night temps will be reduced more this week)
Rh:- Constant 58% (Day & Night)
Feed:- Ferro Nutrients full range, (Grow A + B, Roots, Crop, Enzyme Plus)
Additives:- Mammoth P, Roots Excelsior, Silicone, Magnesium
Delivery Method:- Via Reservoir and Autopots
Feed Values:- Ph 5.7 & Ec 1.6
VPD:- 1.1 kPa Average

Pulse 22nd Feb.jpg


Update - Day 27

This is Day 28, but I took photos etc yesterday, and didn't have time to upload them.

Yesterday, I had a few hours to carry out some defoil and maintenance on plants and tent.

It was a nice sunny day so I removed them 1 at a time and took a couple of photos, worked on them and returned them to the tent.

Plant 1 is doing well, good structure, standing at just over 2 ft high, strong side branches and good potential bud sites.

The cages have contained her spread, so now for some LST.

She has been nominated as my "Bomb Seeds" Battle Plant.

Plant 1 Day 27.jpg

Plant 2 (The Twins) continues to survive and grow, although not as fast or well as Plant 1.

The main part of the twin/branch has suffered from a bit of nute burn and not able to handle the feed regime the rest of the plants are on as well.

She had a few stunted and damaged leaves, but appears to be slowly recovering.

She may just "pick up the ball and run with it" later in life, but for now, She is "the runt in the tent".

Plant 2 Day 27.jpg

Below you can see the two stems of the twins... I have moved them apart as far as I can for now.

The extra cob 50% shared over this plant is helping also.

Keeping an eye on how they are growing.

Plant 2 Day 27 Stalks.jpg

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Update Day 37

Plant 1 (my "Bomb Seeds" Battle Plant) seems to be doing well

She is definitely going to be a big girl, standing at just over 4ft tall and still going for it.

Bud sites developing nicely, she is loving the Cob lights

Plant 1 Day 37.jpg

The other Bomb Seeds THC plant (The Twins) has also managed to grow some more and start to produce bud sites.

However, she is a bit behind and although I would love to try and grow her out, I may have to cull her to provide more room in the tent for the strongest plants.

Plant 2 Day 37.jpg

Time will tell with her, but if I can keep her, I will.


@CannaZone Tier 1, @CannaZone Tier 2 , @CannaZone Tier 3
Update Day 37

Plant 1 (my "Bomb Seeds" Battle Plant) seems to be doing well

She is definitely going to be a big girl, standing at just over 4ft tall and still going for it.

Bud sites developing nicely, she is loving the Cob lights

View attachment 1026317

The other Bomb Seeds THC plant (The Twins) has also managed to grow some more and start to produce bud sites.

However, she is a bit behind and although I would love to try and grow her out, I may have to cull her to provide more room in the tent for the strongest plants.

View attachment 1026319

Time will tell with her, but if I can keep her, I will.


@CannaZone Tier 1, @CannaZone Tier 2 , @CannaZone Tier 3
oh man, what I like to see, big!. Definitely checking out this strain
How's the one bug infestation getting on @Frogster

Well, I am happy (but cautious) to say..... It appears to be under control with the "Predators" doing their thing.

No spider mites spotted on my last check, although there are a couple of leaves that have some slight (older) damage to them.

Time will tell, the breeding / life cycle etc... However, best practice points to using the belt & braces method....

Therefore I will be putting a fresh Batch of "Predators" in this next week.

The Predators have a life cycle too, so best to keep some fresh ones going in (reinforcements if you like).

As spotted early on, I think a reasonable objective is to reduce them effectively using this method.

But, if worst comes to worst, and they insist on staying, I have other (harsher) tools to eradicate them (but don't want to go that way yet).
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