Bomb Seeds Bomb Seed Atomic

Sorry bud, I am not sure what it would do in small scale. Maybe @BombSeeds can advise you. Mine went 170 days or so outdoors and was friggin huge so not sure on how much stretch ect.

yea, I saw your post on bomb seeds and saw how wide it was and I don't think I can do that in my closet. that'll mean that I can only do 1 plant then. the main reason I like autos is that they are small and I can manage them. this one looks to big and wide for the closet.
yea, I saw your post on bomb seeds and saw how wide it was and I don't think I can do that in my closet. that'll mean that I can only do 1 plant then. the main reason I like autos is that they are small and I can manage them. this one looks to big and wide for the closet.

If you literally put it in 12/12 right away it might stay a managable size? I think it would be worth a shot!! If it was me, i would be bold and try 2 straight run 12/12
It depends what type of training.... Think spiral arm galaxy with nodes forced vertically.
yes absolutely!! I have done an insane amount of different training methods in the nearly 3 decades of growing. The training i do now i love the most though!! Low profile and very wide makes for some amazing branching systems!!