Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023 Bob's first go at a SOG - Sawney's SOS grown in BioTabs

Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023
Thanks guys!! Out of the twenty seeds I put on the cotton pads, eighteen had cracked yesterday. So I gave each seed a drop of 2ppm GA3 solution and put them back into the closet.
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This morning I filled eighteen smaller pouches with some seedling mix, wetted everything guud and put one sprout in to each pouch...
To keep the moisture high enough I made a rim from a piece of cardboard and covered that with some microwave foil. In hindsight I should have used a piece of plastic as cardboard is prone to mold...Hmmm....

The temperature is nice and comfy for the small sprouts to thrive in and is partially controlled by the heatbed underneath... Humidity is of no concern at the moment as the measurement is coming from outside the tray.
Lights are on 24/7, but I'm gonna install a wifi relay to shut down the light so I can do a run with 18/6 or 20/4. Don't quite know which one yet :shrug:
Any idea's or tip concerning lights on/off timing, please do elaborate :pass:


Bob :toke:
Thanks brother. Just finished cleaning out the tent.
The soil is already outside. I guess I'll have to toss it now, such a shame with all them biological goodness in it, but I really don't know how else to get rid of them critters without killing the rest of the organics...I might keep it for the worms inside though. Mhmmm...toss some kitchenscraps on top of the soil and...Feck, what am I thinking!!!

Thank you. I'll sure be buddy, but today it not's pouring
Are you doing this to get rid of compost mites?
Are you doing this to get rid of compost mites?
I was, but changed my mind. The bin is still outside, but with all them goodies still inside. I'm gonna order me some predatory mites (Stratiolaelaps scimitus) to get rid off the springtails or at least keep them at bay so there's a biological balance. Still sowing the seeds in clean seedling mix though... :thumbsup:

Speaking about seedlings...Tadaaaaaa!!!!!! :D

Yi-haw brothers and sisters :shooty:
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The first sprouts have emerged from the soil. :hump:
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Very happy indeed!! :yay:
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Aint this one a perty one ♥
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What's your name baby??!!! It's a allright now!!
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Just like this one...Don't ya think love will last??
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I'm having fun brothers and sisters!!!
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Peace! :peace:
Hey growers!!

We're a day further along and almost all the sprouts have surfaced and opened up :woohoo1:

Don't they look perty :kiss:

I count thirteen up, two are just barely breaking ground and three that haven't surfaced yet.



Bob :toke: