Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023 Bob's first go at a SOG - Sawney's SOS grown in BioTabs

Sawney Bean Grow Shows 2023 the risk of further laughter.....what did I miss please? the risk of getting flogged by Antonio :naughtystep:...Keep your eye on the front left corner :crying: Hey, Sawney said it would be a lovely experience!!
My apologies Bob, I went back and tried to see wtf happened.....the post displayed like this

...and I wondered wtf was going on...I zoomed out and found it like this hehe....

That's why I missed it buddy hehe
S.o.S. - Day 58
My apologies Bob, I went back and tried to see wtf happened.....the post displayed like thisView attachment 1580645
...and I wondered wtf was going on...I zoomed out and found it like this hehe....View attachment 1580646
That's why I missed it buddy hehe
No problem buddy! :cheers:
Now that the cat is out of tha bag, I must say...The branch I took and left to dry on top of the tent is just AMAAAAAAZING!!!
The buds are perfectly dry, but when you try to crush them between your fingers it's like you are squeezing out a sponge and you are left over with oily sticky fingers! As soon as I've harvested and dried the lot, I'm gonna squeeze me some rosin out of it! I think I should prepare myself for when that day comes as I could barely finish the joint I rolled today when I got home from work. Took me until now to open up the laptop and get on the forum...:jointman:

@Sawney_bean, I can tell you I really like the flavor profile of the larger pheno. Super frosty buds, me like it A LOT!! And the high is just, pffff...Oh boy!!
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This is one of the small pheno ladies and she's gonna need another 10 day's to two weeks I think. These buds still have some expanding to do!
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Sorry guys, only pictures today. Way to stoned todo anything else...:shrug::rofl:
No problem buddy! :cheers:
Now that the cat is out of tha bag, I must say...The branch I took and left to dry on top of the tent is just AMAAAAAAZING!!!
The buds are perfectly dry, but when you try to crush them between your fingers it's like you are squeezing out a sponge and you are left over with oily sticky fingers! As soon as I've harvested and dried the lot, I'm gonna squeeze me some rosin out of it! I think I should prepare myself for when that day comes as I could barely finish the joint I rolled today when I got home from work. Took me until now to open up the laptop and get on the forum...:jointman:

@Sawney_bean, I can tell you I really like the flavor profile of the larger pheno. Super frosty buds, me like it A LOT!! And the high is just, pffff...Oh boy!!
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This is one of the small pheno ladies and she's gonna need another 10 day's to two weeks I think. These buds still have some expanding to do!
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Sorry guys, only pictures today. Way to stoned todo anything else...:shrug::rofl:
I'm happy you like it mate. It's Defo a strain worth pressing if you can.
Some nice pictures to buddy. Take it easy and enjoy the smoke .:pighug:
Bob there looking splendid also what was moving in the tent was it the cat lol

I'm happy you like it mate. It's Defo a strain worth pressing if you can.
Some nice pictures to buddy. Take it easy and enjoy the smoke .:pighug:

Killer pictures! They're all coming along nicely but that first one - whooo...... fuzzy frosted goodness.

Thanks you guys, for the kind words and all!!
Also happy the forum is back out of the 404 sinkhole...Started panicking as it happened a couple of times in a short period. Should we set something up for connecting just in case something goes awry? Or is there something like it already?
Anyway, I took that time to upgrade my mesh network and am quite happy now. Got it really dialed in :thumbsup:

Later this evening I'll be watering the plants with plain water. Feel they can use a break from the buildup.
I'll take some more picture for ya'll to enjoy :shooty:
S.o.S. - Dau 59 - Late Flower

Just back from the tent and I can tells ya, we're getting very close now...I can almost taste it...Actually I can, lol :baked:
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The pistils are turning a lovely yellow, just before they start to dry up and turn bright orange.
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The smell that's being emitted when I'm sitting infront of my ladies is overwhelming. Sweet, so sweet my lovely's ♥
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One of the lowest buds. When I saw that frost, I just couldn't remove that little flowercluster. :shrug:
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A look beneath their skirts shows a whole lot of thick budsites. Let's keep our🤞crossed, they turn out to be thick rockhard buds 🪨
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One of the smaller pheno girls. Even though she looks less frosty then her larger sisters do, this couldn't be farther from the truth. Beneath those relative healthy leaves lie a plethora of pistils, each set growing out of it's calyx. These still have some expanding to do, but you can already see that these are covered with trichomes. :woohoo1:
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Gonna leave these ladies alone for tonight and close up shop.
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Just one thing todo and that is change a couple of values ever so slightly. Adjusted the extraction fan from 10 to 12%, that's it...
The light is still running at 45%, this isn't only very price efficient, but the plants are responding better to this amount of light then when it was at a higher output. co² is also running at a raised value, which is great because I absolutely have no work with this system for the moment. :thumbsup:
VPD is just where I want it, sitting steady at 1.33. I need the humidity to be below 58% as this will completely prevent mold from forming.
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Anyway, wish you guys and gals a fine evening or day or morning, wherever you might be :cheers:


Bob :toke:
S.o.S. - Dau 61
Hey Friends :toke:

These ladies are really full of trichomes... Shut off the lights and took some flash photo's to show off these pretties...💍
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Think I'll be able to fill a jar or two with these buds...🫙
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Exactly what I had in mind when I dreamt of this grow. A real Sea Of Trichomes... 💎
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I was curious about the state of the trichomes on some of girls I deemed almost ready...
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...and we're getting there. Slowly, very slowly...But all things good and worthy take their time. So, we wait a little more and treat these girls to another dose of the PK Booster Compost tea. Still got plenty left over in the bucket, so I'll leave the airhose, added some more Orgatrex (about 20ml) and let it run until tomorrow evening. Which will be about 32 hours after their dose of today.
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While at it, I also took out one of the less ready girls and that's why the following trichome shots have a bit more clear in them. :thumbsup:
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To end today's post I have an extra long time lapse for you guys/gals :coffee:
Duration = 126 hours, speed = 60pfs. You can barely see the ladies move anymore, they have stopped putting energy into growth and divert everything into ripening those calyx's :pop:


Bob :toke:
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