So my led unit arrived today, thats for my indoor grow, has to switches on, manufacturer says blue for veg, red for bloom, or both on, depends on how much eletricity you want to save.
Do you recommend both on?
So LED's arrived today, this is the grow box I orderd a week ago.
Those 4 pots are the blueberries I had outside and the green germination box has 9 seeds of cream caramel waiting to pop, until then the 4 bluberries will kept in and moved back out again once I transfer the cream caramels to their pots
Hey Angelo, what LED unit is that? Any by grow box do you mean grow tent?
One last thing, I'd avoid moving plants from outside to inside. That's the best way to bring in pest like spidermites.
great point mr piggy, btw, i just noticed your location, funny stuff.. ive dealt with bugs already, and even though i have the fungus gnats under control now, they really were annoying and potenetially dangerous
Hey Angelo, what LED unit is that? Any by grow box do you mean grow tent?
One last thing, I'd avoid moving plants from outside to inside. That's the best way to bring in pest like spidermites.
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